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Digital Madness
Cover of Digital Madness
Digital Madness
How Social Media Is Driving Our Mental Health Crisis—and How to Restore Our Sanity
Borrow Borrow

From the author of the provocative and influential Glow Kids, Digital Madness explores how we've become mad for our devices as our devices our driving us mad, as revolutionary research reveals technology's damaging effect on mental illness and suicide rates—and offers a way out.
Dr. Nicholas Kardaras is at the forefront of psychologists sounding the alarm about the impact of excessive technology on younger brains. In Glow Kids, he described what screen time does to children, calling it "digital heroin". Now, in Digital Madness, Dr. Kardaras turns his attention to our teens and young adults and looks at the mental health impact of tech addiction and corrosive social media.
In Digital Madness, Dr. Kardaras answers the question of why young people's mental health is deteriorating as we become a more technologically advanced society. While enthralled with shiny devices and immersed in Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook and Snapchat, our young people are struggling with record rates of depression, loneliness, anxiety, overdoses and suicide. What's driving this mental health epidemic? Our immersion in toxic social media has created polarizing extremes of emotion and addictive dependency, while also acting as a toxic "digital social contagion", spreading a variety of psychiatric disorders.
The algorithm-fueled polarity of social media also shapes the brain's architecture into inherently pathological and reactive "black and white" thinking—toxic for politics and society, but also symptomatic of several mental disorders. Digital Madness also examines how the profit-driven titans of Big Tech have created our unhealthy tech-dependent lifestyle: sedentary, screen-staring, addicted, depressed, isolated and empty—all in the pursuit of increased engagement, data mining and monetization.
But there is a solution. Dr. Kardaras offers a path out of our crisis, using examples from classical philosophy that encourage resilience, critical thinking and the pursuit of sanity-sustaining purpose in people's lives. Digital Madness is a crucial audiobook for parents, educators, therapists, public health professionals, and policymakers who are searching for ways to restore our young people's mental and physical health.
A Macmillan Audio production from St. Martin's Press

From the author of the provocative and influential Glow Kids, Digital Madness explores how we've become mad for our devices as our devices our driving us mad, as revolutionary research reveals technology's damaging effect on mental illness and suicide rates—and offers a way out.
Dr. Nicholas Kardaras is at the forefront of psychologists sounding the alarm about the impact of excessive technology on younger brains. In Glow Kids, he described what screen time does to children, calling it "digital heroin". Now, in Digital Madness, Dr. Kardaras turns his attention to our teens and young adults and looks at the mental health impact of tech addiction and corrosive social media.
In Digital Madness, Dr. Kardaras answers the question of why young people's mental health is deteriorating as we become a more technologically advanced society. While enthralled with shiny devices and immersed in Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook and Snapchat, our young people are struggling with record rates of depression, loneliness, anxiety, overdoses and suicide. What's driving this mental health epidemic? Our immersion in toxic social media has created polarizing extremes of emotion and addictive dependency, while also acting as a toxic "digital social contagion", spreading a variety of psychiatric disorders.
The algorithm-fueled polarity of social media also shapes the brain's architecture into inherently pathological and reactive "black and white" thinking—toxic for politics and society, but also symptomatic of several mental disorders. Digital Madness also examines how the profit-driven titans of Big Tech have created our unhealthy tech-dependent lifestyle: sedentary, screen-staring, addicted, depressed, isolated and empty—all in the pursuit of increased engagement, data mining and monetization.
But there is a solution. Dr. Kardaras offers a path out of our crisis, using examples from classical philosophy that encourage resilience, critical thinking and the pursuit of sanity-sustaining purpose in people's lives. Digital Madness is a crucial audiobook for parents, educators, therapists, public health professionals, and policymakers who are searching for ways to restore our young people's mental and physical health.
A Macmillan Audio production from St. Martin's Press

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About the Author-
  • DR. NICHOLAS KARDARAS is one of the country's foremost addiction experts. He was a professor at Stony Brook Medicine and has developed clinical treatment programs all over the country. He is the founder and Chief Clinical Officer of Maui Recovery in Hawaii, Omega Recovery in Austin and the Launch House in New York. He is also a frequent contributor to Psychology Today and FOX News, and has appeared on Good Morning America, ABC's 20/20, CNN, the CBS Evening News, PBS, NPR and FOX & Friends.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    July 25, 2022
    Psychologist Kardaras (Glow Kids) delivers a sobering account of how social media damages mental health. Because humans evolved for face-to-face communication and physical activity, he explains, “our tech has outpaced our biology” by fostering a sedentary and fragmented lifestyle that leads people to feel overworked, exhausted, and depressed. Comparing social media companies to Big Pharma, Kardaras excoriates such platforms as Facebook and Twitter for creating interfaces that are addictive by design, noting that users need an ever-increasing level of stimulation to achieve the same dopamine rush in a process that renders offline activities unbearably dull by comparison. The consequences, he suggests, are rising incidences of personality disorders, depression, and obesity, as well as such sociogenic conditions as TikTok Tourette’s, in which TikTok users who follow influencers with Tourette’s syndrome sometimes start manifesting tics of their own. Kardaras uses easy to understand language to provide a bracing look at the toxic psychological effects of too much tech, though some of his pronouncements come across as over the top: “immortality-seeking megalomaniac tech oligarchs... want nothing more than to addict us, harvest our ‘digital exhaust,’ and put us in an alternate and illusory reality.” Readers will be unnerved.

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Digital Madness
Digital Madness
How Social Media Is Driving Our Mental Health Crisis—and How to Restore Our Sanity
Nicholas Kardaras
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