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The Medusa Plot
Cover of The Medusa Plot
The Medusa Plot
Are you ready to save the world? The bestselling series returns with an adventure spanning 6 explosive books, 2 secret-filled card packs, and a website that places readers right in the action.

Thirteen-year-old Dan Cahill and his older sister, Amy, thought they belonged to the world's most powerful family. They thought the hunt for 39 Clues leading to the source of that power was over. They even thought they'd won. But Amy and Dan were wrong.One by one, distress calls start coming in from around the globe. Cahills are being kidnapped by a shadowy group known only as the Vespers. Now Amy and Dan have only days to fulfill a bizarre ransom request or their captured friends will start dying. Amy and Dan don't know what the Vespers want or how to stop them. Only one thing is clear. The Vespers are playing to win, and if they get their hands on the Clues . . . the world will be their next hostage.
Are you ready to save the world? The bestselling series returns with an adventure spanning 6 explosive books, 2 secret-filled card packs, and a website that places readers right in the action.

Thirteen-year-old Dan Cahill and his older sister, Amy, thought they belonged to the world's most powerful family. They thought the hunt for 39 Clues leading to the source of that power was over. They even thought they'd won. But Amy and Dan were wrong.One by one, distress calls start coming in from around the globe. Cahills are being kidnapped by a shadowy group known only as the Vespers. Now Amy and Dan have only days to fulfill a bizarre ransom request or their captured friends will start dying. Amy and Dan don't know what the Vespers want or how to stop them. Only one thing is clear. The Vespers are playing to win, and if they get their hands on the Clues . . . the world will be their next hostage.
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  • School Library Journal

    April 1, 2012

    Gr 5-7-This subseries starring Amy and Dan Cahill starts off with a bang. Powerful members of their family are being kidnapped all around the world. The only attempt gone wrong was when the siblings managed to outsmart and outfight their enemies due to new techniques they learned to keep themselves safe. Soon, they discover that the Vespers, an ancient family with a long-standing feud against theirs, have taken their loved ones and will start killing them if their demands are not met. Amy and Dan realize that the clue hunt is starting all over again, but with much more at stake. A bit of background information is included for those new to the series, but nothing that slows the pace. Familiar characters and situations are intermingled with new dangers. Impossible tasks are asked of the siblings, but they are not alone this time as they are receiving help from other branches of the family working together. Action, adventure, and danger abound. And, of course, a cliff-hanger ending will leave readers stunned and wanting more. Without a doubt, if the first "39 Clues" series had kids racing to finish the books, this one is a must-purchase.-Mariela Siegert, Westfield Middle School, Bloomingdale, IL

    Copyright 2012 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Booklist

    November 1, 2011
    Grades 5-8 The 39 Clues crew return to the well for this opener to a new series, Cahills versus Vespers. The Cahills, of course, are the world's most powerful family you never knew existed, and their family tree is a who's who of the past half-millennium. The Vespers are their secret, centuries-old rival, and now pop up to kidnap Cahills for some sure-to-be-diabolical reason. Dan and Amy, two years after solving the massive global puzzle of the 39 Clues, jump back into action to help save their relations and take down the villainous Vespers. Sure, it is as much a multiplatform marketing ploy (with collectible cards and an immersive online presence to swallow up chunks of fans' spare time) as a book series, but that doesn't take away from what it is at its core: a lean, easy-to-like thrill ride with guaranteed crowd-pleasing elements like secret societies, art heists, and heroes with unlimited cash and connections to fuel their around-the-world intrigue. Like the first series, a new author for each volume ensures lickety-split rollouts.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2011, American Library Association.)

  • The Horn Book

    January 1, 2012
    Vesper One, a centuries-old adversary, kidnaps seven members of the powerful Cahill family. Thirteen-year-old Dan and sixteen-year-old Amy, winners of the clue hunt from the first 39 Clues series, must steal a national treasure and deliver it to the Vespers in exchange for the hostages. The fast-paced, action-packed adventure gets this spin-off series started with a bang.

    (Copyright 2012 by The Horn Book, Incorporated, Boston. All rights reserved.)

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