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Girls Who Run the World
Cover of Girls Who Run the World
Girls Who Run the World
31 CEOs Who Mean Business
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The perfect graduation gift for future entrepreneurs! Part biography, part business how-to, and fully empowering, this book shows that you're never too young to dream BIG! With colorful portraits, fun interviews and DIY tips, Girls Who Run the World features the success stories of 31 leading ladies today of companies like Rent the Runway, PopSugar, and Soul Cycle.
Girls run biotech companies.
Girls run online fashion sites.
Girls run environmental enterprises.
They are creative. They are inventive. They mean business.
Girls run the world.
This collection gives girls of all ages the tools they need to follow their passions, turn ideas into reality and break barriers in the business world.
Jenn Hyman, Rent the Runway
Sara Blakely, Spanx
Emma Mcilroy, Wildfang
Katrina Lake, Stitch Fix
Natasha Case, Coolhaus
Diane Campbell, The Candy Store
Kara Goldin, Hint Water
Anne Wojcicki, 23andMe
Rachel Haurwitz, Caribou Bioscience
Nina Tandon, EpiBone
Jessica Matthews, Uncharted Power
Jane Chen, Embrace
Emily Núñez Cavness, Sword & Plough
Hannah Lavon, Pals
Leslie Blodgett, Bare Escentuals/Bare Minerals
Katia Beauchamp, Birchbox
Emily Weiss, Glossier
Christina Stembel, Farmgirl Flowers
Mariam Naficy, Minted
Maci Peterson, On Second Thought
Stephanie Lampkin, Blendoor
Sarah Leary, Nextdoor
Amber Venz, RewardStyle
Lisa Sugar, Pop Sugar
Beatriz Acevedo, MiTu network
Julie Rice and Elizabeth Cutler, Soul Cycle
Suzy Batiz, Poo-Pourri
Tina Sharkey, Brandless
Jesse Genet, Lumi
Tracy Young, Plan Grid
The perfect graduation gift for future entrepreneurs! Part biography, part business how-to, and fully empowering, this book shows that you're never too young to dream BIG! With colorful portraits, fun interviews and DIY tips, Girls Who Run the World features the success stories of 31 leading ladies today of companies like Rent the Runway, PopSugar, and Soul Cycle.
Girls run biotech companies.
Girls run online fashion sites.
Girls run environmental enterprises.
They are creative. They are inventive. They mean business.
Girls run the world.
This collection gives girls of all ages the tools they need to follow their passions, turn ideas into reality and break barriers in the business world.
Jenn Hyman, Rent the Runway
Sara Blakely, Spanx
Emma Mcilroy, Wildfang
Katrina Lake, Stitch Fix
Natasha Case, Coolhaus
Diane Campbell, The Candy Store
Kara Goldin, Hint Water
Anne Wojcicki, 23andMe
Rachel Haurwitz, Caribou Bioscience
Nina Tandon, EpiBone
Jessica Matthews, Uncharted Power
Jane Chen, Embrace
Emily Núñez Cavness, Sword & Plough
Hannah Lavon, Pals
Leslie Blodgett, Bare Escentuals/Bare Minerals
Katia Beauchamp, Birchbox
Emily Weiss, Glossier
Christina Stembel, Farmgirl Flowers
Mariam Naficy, Minted
Maci Peterson, On Second Thought
Stephanie Lampkin, Blendoor
Sarah Leary, Nextdoor
Amber Venz, RewardStyle
Lisa Sugar, Pop Sugar
Beatriz Acevedo, MiTu network
Julie Rice and Elizabeth Cutler, Soul Cycle
Suzy Batiz, Poo-Pourri
Tina Sharkey, Brandless
Jesse Genet, Lumi
Tracy Young, Plan Grid
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  • From the book Although often neglected in history books, girls have been running things behind the scenes forever. The first solar-heated home? Developed by a woman. The daily-appreciated dishwasher? Woman. The creator of the Brooklyn Bridge? Woman again. That clever mistake-cover-upper, Liquid Paper? A woman concocted it in her kitchen blender. The list goes on: windshield wipers, the board game Monopoly, the ice cream maker, even the trusty basic brown bag. All invented by women.
    But forget history—there are women out there today who most people have never heard of, breaking barriers this very second.
    Back at the beginning of my career, I attended Stanford Graduate School of Business, where I went to learn about turning big ideas into companies to better our world. Sitting in those lecture halls studying the business greats, I kept wondering: Where are the women? Almost all the companies we were being taught to admire were founded by men.
    When I graduated, I became a journalist in San Francisco, the beating heart of the tech revolution, covering the truly transformative ideas all around me—stem cells, virtual reality, 3-D printing, driverless cars. Again, I found myself asking: Where are the women? Sure, there are female-founded companies with name recognition, but the few out there succeeding are not visible enough. Not even close.
    You may have heard the troubling stats before. There are still so few women at the top. (And it’s getting worse—in 2018 the number of female CEOs at top companies fell 25 percent from 2017!) Women in business start out equal to men in terms of jobs and pay, but the drop-off begins with the first promotion to management. And businesses founded exclusively by women snag only 2.7 percent of venture capital dollars.
    These statistics are begging to be altered. And now is the moment— your moment—to defy them. Venture capitalists (VCs) are desperate to fund females—they need the missing half of our nation’s brain cells— but in order for a woman to start the next Apple or Amazon, she needs to believe it is possible. To see herself in that role.
    And when girls do land businesses, guess what? Substantial research finds that they outperform the guys, which is why venture capitalists are frantic to bring women entrepreneurs into their investment portfolios. A 2013 study of privately held technology companies found those with at least one woman founder have a 35 percent higher return on investment. A 2018 Boston Consulting Group study found that companies led or co-led by women generate 10 percent more in cumulative revenue over a five-year period than those led by all-male teams. They use investment money more efficiently, too: for every dollar of funding, these start-ups generated 78 cents, while male-founded start-ups generated just 31 cents. Why wouldn’t you bet on female CEOs?
    Girls Who Run the World features thirty-one women who defied the statistics and founded awesome businesses, becoming emblems of what is possible. They mastered the art of speaking up and loud, they took big risks with big money, they overreached and made mistakes, and ultimately they believed in their own brains, persisted, and hit it big.
    In the pages that follow, you’ll find real trade secrets from the front lines of CEO life and insider stories that reveal what it’s really like to be a woman in business, with millions of dollars at stake.
    It’s rare to gain this level of access to entrepreneurs, to see how the money and deals get made. I was lucky enough to interview twenty-eight of these thirty-one darn busy ladies, so all this comes...
About the Author-
  • Diana Kapp is a business journalist with an MBA from Stanford University who has written about education and entrepreneurism for most of the major media outlets. Girls Who Run the World is her first novel.
    Bijou is an artist and illustrator from Los Angeles. She graduated with distinction from Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, CA. Selected clients include: The New Yorker, Nike, Cinespia, ELLE, girlboss, Harper's Bazaar, InStyle, Little White Lies, Penguin Books, Refinery29, Rihanna, Stance Socks, The Los Angeles Times, Glamour, W,, and Starbucks.
  • Kirkus

    August 15, 2019
    CEOs are often portrayed as men, and this volume helps rectify the balance by focusing on successful women leaders from a range of industries. Readers meet 31 women who serve as CEOs of companies such as Spanx, Mitú, 23andMe, and Minted. Jessica O. Matthews, of Uncharted Power, a green energy company, got the germ for her idea while attending a family wedding in Nigeria and experiencing a power outage. A project for a class at Harvard led to the prototype for her company, which is grounded in her personal belief in giving back to communities. Like her, all the women in this book found ways to turn their ideas and dreams into success stories. Beyond just data and numbers, readers learn fun details about their personal lives (favorite candy, favorite childhood book), habits that make them successful, and advice they would share with their teen selves. Each approximately seven-page profile features eye-catching graphics, including bold, full-color portraits. The tone is relentlessly upbeat, and while the range of women featured is reasonably diverse and some volunteer stories about facing barriers to success, little effort is made to deliberately engage with systemic obstacles relating to gender, race, socio-economic status, or other factors that readers may encounter. The final chapters offer general encouragement and guidance on creating a business plan and elevator pitch, managing finances, and other necessary skills. Appealingly packaged and readable but lacking in depth. (glossary) (Nonfiction. 12-16)

    COPYRIGHT(2019) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • School Library Journal

    November 1, 2019

    Gr 6-9-This encyclopedic guide, comprised of profiles of 31 female CEOs compiled almost exclusively from author interviews, is a delightful entry into the world of women at the top of the business game. The book features short biographies of women working in industries ranging from beauty and fashion to science and technology, and heading up companies such as Blendoor, Stitch Fix, Spanx, Nextdoor, Poo-pourri, and Glossier. Similar messages run through the profiles-don't be afraid to fail or take chances, and getting to the top will take lots of hard work. Some of the subjects have business degrees, and many were very successful students, but they all have tremendous work ethics and the ability to sell not only a product but also themselves as leaders. The last section, a primer on Business 101, encourages readers to sharpen their own entrepreneurial skills. VERDICT The empowering tone will inspire girls to dream big, then break barriers in the business world. Accessible for readers across middle and high school. A great addition to the business reference section.-Elaine Baran Black, Georgia Public Library Service, Atlanta

    Copyright 2019 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Kirkus

    August 15, 2019
    CEOs are often portrayed as men, and this volume helps rectify the balance by focusing on successful women leaders from a range of industries. Readers meet 31 women who serve as CEOs of companies such as Spanx, Mit�, 23andMe, and Minted. Jessica O. Matthews, of Uncharted Power, a green energy company, got the germ for her idea while attending a family wedding in Nigeria and experiencing a power outage. A project for a class at Harvard led to the prototype for her company, which is grounded in her personal belief in giving back to communities. Like her, all the women in this book found ways to turn their ideas and dreams into success stories. Beyond just data and numbers, readers learn fun details about their personal lives (favorite candy, favorite childhood book), habits that make them successful, and advice they would share with their teen selves. Each approximately seven-page profile features eye-catching graphics, including bold, full-color portraits. The tone is relentlessly upbeat, and while the range of women featured is reasonably diverse and some volunteer stories about facing barriers to success, little effort is made to deliberately engage with systemic obstacles relating to gender, race, socio-economic status, or other factors that readers may encounter. The final chapters offer general encouragement and guidance on creating a business plan and elevator pitch, managing finances, and other necessary skills. Appealingly packaged and readable but lacking in depth. (glossary) (Nonfiction. 12-16)

    COPYRIGHT(2019) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • Sophia Amoruso, Founder & CEO, Girlboss, a media company dedicated to empowering women in business, and author of NYT bestseller #Girlboss. "Kapp's trailblazing CEOs are humble about their formative years, frank about the daunting challenges they encountered, and relentlessly encouraging."
  • Arianna Huffington, Founder & CEO, Thrive Global "Girls Who Run the World is a modern-day encyclopedia of the women who are changing the world today, period."
  • Sam Altman, President of Y Combinator and Co-chairman of OpenAI "All girls should dare to dream big, and Girls Who Run the World gives them the tools to not only achieve those dreams, but to change the world while they're doing it."
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    Random House Children's Books
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Girls Who Run the World
Girls Who Run the World
31 CEOs Who Mean Business
Diana Kapp
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