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Just the Nicest Couple
Cover of Just the Nicest Couple
Just the Nicest Couple
A Novel
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"Grabs you on the first page and doesn't let go until you reach the end." —Laura Dave, New York Times bestselling author of The Last Thing He Told Me

A husband's disappearance links two couples in this twisty thriller from the New York Times bestselling author of Local Woman Missing, Mary Kubica
Jake Hayes is missing. This much is certain. At first, his wife, Nina, thinks he is blowing off steam at a friend's house after their heated fight the night before. But then a day goes by. Two days. Five. And Jake is still nowhere to be found.
Lily Scott, Nina's friend and coworker, thinks she may have been the last to see Jake before he went missing. After Lily confesses everything to her husband, Christian, the two decide that nobody can find out what happened leading up to Jake's disappearance, especially not Nina. But Nina is out there looking for her husband, and she won't stop until the truth is discovered.
"Rich with detail and a mounting, almost suffocating sense of dread, Just the Nicest Couple is a dark and twisted exploration of loyalty, family, and how far we'll go to protect the ones we love." —Andrea Bartz, New York Times bestselling author of We Were Never Here
Don't miss Mary Kubica's chilling upcoming novel, She's Not Sorry, where an ICU nurse accidentally uncovers a patient's frightening past...
Look for these other edge-of-your-seat thrillers by New York Times bestselling author Mary Kubica:
  • The Good Girl
  • Pretty Baby
  • Don't You Cry
  • Every Last Lie
  • When the Lights Go Out
  • The Other Mrs.
  • Local Woman Missing
  • She's Not Sorry

    "Grabs you on the first page and doesn't let go until you reach the end." —Laura Dave, New York Times bestselling author of The Last Thing He Told Me

    A husband's disappearance links two couples in this twisty thriller from the New York Times bestselling author of Local Woman Missing, Mary Kubica
    Jake Hayes is missing. This much is certain. At first, his wife, Nina, thinks he is blowing off steam at a friend's house after their heated fight the night before. But then a day goes by. Two days. Five. And Jake is still nowhere to be found.
    Lily Scott, Nina's friend and coworker, thinks she may have been the last to see Jake before he went missing. After Lily confesses everything to her husband, Christian, the two decide that nobody can find out what happened leading up to Jake's disappearance, especially not Nina. But Nina is out there looking for her husband, and she won't stop until the truth is discovered.
    "Rich with detail and a mounting, almost suffocating sense of dread, Just the Nicest Couple is a dark and twisted exploration of loyalty, family, and how far we'll go to protect the ones we love." —Andrea Bartz, New York Times bestselling author of We Were Never Here
    Don't miss Mary Kubica's chilling upcoming novel, She's Not Sorry, where an ICU nurse accidentally uncovers a patient's frightening past...
    Look for these other edge-of-your-seat thrillers by New York Times bestselling author Mary Kubica:
  • The Good Girl
  • Pretty Baby
  • Don't You Cry
  • Every Last Lie
  • When the Lights Go Out
  • The Other Mrs.
  • Local Woman Missing
  • She's Not Sorry

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    • OverDrive Read
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    About the Author-
    • Mary Kubica is a New York Times bestselling author of thrillers including The Good Girl, The Other Mrs., Local Woman Missing and Just the Nicest Couple. Her books have been translated into over thirty languages and have sold over two million copies worldwide. Her novels have been praised as "hypnotic" (People) and "thrilling and illuminating" (L.A. Times). She lives outside of Chicago with her husband and children.
    • Library Journal

      August 1, 2022

      Jack Hayes vanishes after a ferocious fight with his wife, Nina, who's now looking for him frantically, and Nina's friend and coworker Lily thinks she's the last person to have seen him before he wisped away like smoke. But she and her husband agree they can't tell anyone. Following the New York Times best-selling Local Woman Missing; with a 200,000-copy first printing.

      Copyright 2022 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

    • Publisher's Weekly

      November 21, 2022
      This uneven, initially slow-moving domestic suspense novel from bestseller Kubica (The Good Girl) focuses on two very different couples: algebra teacher Lily Scott, and her doting husband, Christian, a market research analyst; and Nina Hayes, an English teacher at the same school as Lily, and her unfaithful surgeon husband, Jake. The small fissures in both relationships are brought into sharp relief when Jake goes missing. Was it because he and Nina had argued? Was it because of Jake’s philandering? Are Lily and Christian involved in the disappearance? Where is Jake and why hasn’t he contacted his distraught wife? Chapters narrated by Lily, Nina, and Christian offer conflicting takes on what really happened, leading Christian to muse, “The line between right and wrong is getting more blurry with each day.” The author does a good job keeping the reader in the dark about Jake’s fate and dropping ambiguous if ultimately significant details that raise questions about just how nice the characters really are, but there isn’t much action and the ending comes as a bit of a letdown. Kubica has done better. Agent: Michelle Brower, Trellis Literary.

    • Booklist

      December 1, 2022
      Lily Scott learns what it's like when your life becomes a ticking time bomb. Her friend Nina's husband, Jake, has gone missing, and only Lily knows why. But it's only a matter of time before everyone will know what she has done. Lily is being suffocated by dread, while she struggles to keep her baby during a difficult pregnancy after several miscarriages. When Lily finally tells her husband, Christian, what happened, they take several ill-thought-out steps to cover her trail, maneuvers that serve only to fuel her fear and that lead to Christian's disappearance. Nina is relentless in her search for her husband, despite their marriage having been on uneven ground for some time. Lily's secret is finally revealed, but it comes along with another secret that may destroy her life. Kubica is a master of unnerving domestic thrillers, this being her latest (after Local Woman Missing, 2021), and fans will probably devour it in one sitting, although they may find there are a few questions left unanswered at the surprising ending.


    • Kirkus

      March 15, 2023
      When a man disappears under suspicious circumstances, a young couple tries to cover their involvement while his wife begins to wonder what they know. When Christian Scott returns home to find his wife, Lily, upset and scared, he assumes at first that she's had another miscarriage. Instead, Lily shares with him a horrific story: While she was taking a walk at a nearby nature preserve, she'd run into Jake Hayes, the husband of her friend and fellow teacher Nina, and he dragged her into the forest and tried to rape her. She'd only escaped by hitting him on the head with a rock. This sets up the major conflict of the novel: Christian and Lily must try to cover Lily's tracks in case the head wound turned out to be fatal. Nina and Jake had had a fight the night before, so Nina isn't surprised that she doesn't hear from him at first, but as she begins to realize Jake is missing and then goes to the police, she has no idea that Christian and Lily are working behind the scenes to protect Lily. Eventually she notices that something is wrong with their behavior, though, and she vacillates between investigating them and retreating to her mother's comforting arms. The chapters are divided between Christian's and Nina's first-person perspectives, and the entire action unfurls after the crime has presumably been committed, which adds an intriguing layer to the suspense. There isn't much of a focus on the victim, as we never get to know Jake except through other people's reminiscences. Instead, the possible suspects take center stage. The only weakness here is a common one in Kubica's thrillers: The solution, when it comes, seems a somewhat unearned misdirection, but in this case, it also serves as a reminder that some characters are, as some people are, more invisible than others. Skillfully built tension will keep the pages turning.

      COPYRIGHT(2023) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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    A Novel
    Mary Kubica
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