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Within Arm's Reach
Cover of Within Arm's Reach
Within Arm's Reach
A Novel
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NATIONAL BESTSELLER • The tender and perceptive debut novel from the New York Times bestselling author of Hello Beautiful, about three generations of a large Catholic family jarred into crisis by an unexpected pregnancy
“This stunning . . . exquisite, skillfully written gem addresses serious issues–e.g., guilt vs. loyalty, the past vs. the present—[but] remains hopeful and includes ample doses of humor and wit.”—Library Journal (starred review)
No one in my mother’s family ever talks about anything that can be categorized as unpleasant or as having to do with emotions. . . .
This spellbinding novel by bestselling author Ann Napolitano is a poignant reminder of how connected we are to those we love, even when we cannot find the words to say it. The unforgettable story of three generations of an Irish American family, Within Arm’s Reach is another rich and deeply satisfying novel from the author who captured the many dimensions of grief in Dear Edward and the unbreakable bonds of sisterhood in Hello Beautiful.
NATIONAL BESTSELLER • The tender and perceptive debut novel from the New York Times bestselling author of Hello Beautiful, about three generations of a large Catholic family jarred into crisis by an unexpected pregnancy
“This stunning . . . exquisite, skillfully written gem addresses serious issues–e.g., guilt vs. loyalty, the past vs. the present—[but] remains hopeful and includes ample doses of humor and wit.”—Library Journal (starred review)
No one in my mother’s family ever talks about anything that can be categorized as unpleasant or as having to do with emotions. . . .
This spellbinding novel by bestselling author Ann Napolitano is a poignant reminder of how connected we are to those we love, even when we cannot find the words to say it. The unforgettable story of three generations of an Irish American family, Within Arm’s Reach is another rich and deeply satisfying novel from the author who captured the many dimensions of grief in Dear Edward and the unbreakable bonds of sisterhood in Hello Beautiful.
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  • From the cover GRACIE

    My grandmother gave birth often, which I suppose increased her odds for tragedy. Her first born, a sweet, chatty daughter, died when she was three years old from dehydration and the flu. My mother had become the oldest McLaughlin child by default, and three more of my five aunts and uncles were already walking or crawling, climbing over furniture and driving my grandfather, whose heart had broken with the death of his first baby, crazy when my grandmother became pregnant with twins.

    Today twins are considered a high-risk pregnancy. I'm sure they were then too, but my grandmother had four kids under the age of six to clean, dress, feed and teach manners to with the help of Willie, the live-in black maid. My grandfather was a lawyer and on the weekends he played golf and in the evenings he drank scotch. This was long before the days of co-parenting, long before it was even a word.

    My grandmother had to get my mother and Pat into neatly pressed uniforms and off to single sex catholic schools every morning. She had to keep the two youngest home with her while she and Willie split the cleaning, laundry and cooking. She had to write letters to her mother and her husband's mother each week, updating them on the family's life. On Sundays, out of respect for the Lord, she met the challenge of keeping all of the children quiet and prayerful in their bedrooms without toys or any books other than the bible.

    Pregnancy, even of twins, did not get in the way of the daily routines. It couldn't, really, since my grandmother was, for the first eleven years of her marriage, more often pregnant than not. So, she picked up toys and assigned the children chores and shushed them around their father and kept an eagle eye on their manners at the dinner table and supervised prayers before bedtime as her five foot two, petite body swelled. She occasionally allowed herself a small nap while she sat upright at the kitchen table, a bowl of peas waiting to be shelled under her fingertips. But that was it. Birthing children, making a big family, raising it up right was her main job. She ignored all sharp pains, any warning signs that something might be wrong. She was never one to complain. Even now, at the age of seventy-eight, she refuses novocaine at the dentist's office. She lies perfectly still, hands folded on her waist, while the dentist, shaking his head in amazement, drills into her teeth.

    My grandmother went into labor very suddenly one night after she and Willie had finished serving the evening meal. She set down a bowl of broccoli and pressed the heels of her hands hard against the edge of the table. Children, she said. Meggy, elbows off the table. Your father and I will be eating later tonight. Kelly—her sharp blue eyes on my mother, the oldest now that the true oldest was gone—You're in charge here, understood?

    She walked carefully out of the dining room, aware of the children's eyes on her, turned the corner, and collapsed. The doctor didn't make it in time. Willie boiled water and carried a stack of clean towels to the bedroom and wept while my grandfather, scared and therefore annoyed, stood by the head of my grandmother's single bed and told her to keep it down. He cursed the doctor for his slowness. He cursed Willie for moaning under her breath at the sight of blood. He cursed his pipe for not lighting on the first try. He cursed the children in the other room for their existence. He cursed his first child, his sweet baby girl, for dying on him and leaving him here like this. Shipwrecked and lonely. Useless.

    The doctor, his pockets filled...
  • Publisher's Weekly

    June 14, 2004
    In Napolitano's wonderful first novel, deftly told from six points of view, a New Jersey family bears witness to the cycle of life. The matriarch of the Irish-American McLaughlin clan, Catharine, is living in a care facility, her "whole life one room." On the other end of the spectrum, Catharine's unmarried granddaughter, Gracie, is pregnant by a man she doesn't love. The news is a surprise: Gracie wishes she'd conceived immaculately; her sister, Lila, can't believe Gracie's pregnant again; and Catharine has hangups about illegitimacy. Napolitano gracefully and honestly charts the tensions as the various family members come together. "We are family, but we have very little in common except that we are terrible at small talk," muses Lila at an Easter gathering. "e size each other up and glance for the nearest exit and wonder, Why are you here? Why am I here?
    " Gracie's unborn child promises both conflict and hope. As Catharine, haunted by loving ghosts of the past, recalls, "There was order to our family then, and small children running around filling the rooms with laughter.... hen the baby comes, when the laughter of children fill our rooms again, everything will settle down. This family will be whole." Catharine's hopes becomes the readers' hopes as well, as they watch her family—her "life's work"—grow and endure. Agent, Elaine Koster

  • AudioFile Magazine A star-studded cast masterfully performs Napolitano's debut novel. Her recent success with HELLO BEAUTIFUL has brought this long out-of-print title back. And this stellar audiobook demonstrates its worth. It's hard to limit praise to just a few of the half-dozen sparkling narrations. But Brittany Pressley as Gracie, the lost-soul writer who works as a kind of "Dear Abby," gives an empathetic and knowing reading; Marin Ireland captures the laconic tone of Gracie's brilliant sister, Lila; and Cassandra Campbell admirably delivers the tightly wound personality and conflicted soul of their mother, Kelly. But all the narrators are excellent. This is a finely crafted generational story of an Irish American family and their discontents. Napolitano reads a postscript detailing the novel's long road to publication. A.D.M. Winner of AudioFile Earphones Award © AudioFile 2024, Portland, Maine
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Within Arm's Reach
Within Arm's Reach
A Novel
Ann Napolitano
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