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The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Philosophy
Cover of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Philosophy
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Philosophy
Everything Is Fire
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The essential companion to Stieg Larsson's bestselling trilogy and director David Fincher's 2011 film adaptation

Stieg Larsson's bestselling Millennium Trilogy—The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played with Fire, and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest—is an international phenomenon. These books express Larsson's lifelong war against injustice, his ethical beliefs, and his deep concern for women's rights. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Philosophy probes the compelling philosophical issues behind the entire trilogy. What philosophies do Lisbeth Salander and Kant have in common? To catch a criminal, can Lisbeth and Mikael be criminals themselves? Can revenge be ethical? Drawing on some of history's greatest philosophical minds, this book gives fresh insights into Larsson's ingeniously plotted tale of crime and corruption.

  • Looks at compelling philosophical issues such as a feminist reading of Lisbeth Salander, Aristotelian arguments for why we love revenge, how Kant can explain why so many women sleep with Mikael Blomkvist, and many more
  • Includes a chapter from a colleague of Larsson's—who worked with him in anti-Nazi activities—that explores Larsson's philosophical views on skepticism and quotes from never-before-seen correspondence with Larsson
  • Offers new insights into the novels' key characters, including Lisbeth Salander and Mikael Blomkvist, and investigates the author, Stieg Larsson
  • As engrossing as the quest to free Lisbeth Salander from her past, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Philosophy is ideal reading for anyone interested in unraveling the subtext and exploring the greater issues at work in the story.

    The essential companion to Stieg Larsson's bestselling trilogy and director David Fincher's 2011 film adaptation

    Stieg Larsson's bestselling Millennium Trilogy—The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played with Fire, and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest—is an international phenomenon. These books express Larsson's lifelong war against injustice, his ethical beliefs, and his deep concern for women's rights. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Philosophy probes the compelling philosophical issues behind the entire trilogy. What philosophies do Lisbeth Salander and Kant have in common? To catch a criminal, can Lisbeth and Mikael be criminals themselves? Can revenge be ethical? Drawing on some of history's greatest philosophical minds, this book gives fresh insights into Larsson's ingeniously plotted tale of crime and corruption.

  • Looks at compelling philosophical issues such as a feminist reading of Lisbeth Salander, Aristotelian arguments for why we love revenge, how Kant can explain why so many women sleep with Mikael Blomkvist, and many more
  • Includes a chapter from a colleague of Larsson's—who worked with him in anti-Nazi activities—that explores Larsson's philosophical views on skepticism and quotes from never-before-seen correspondence with Larsson
  • Offers new insights into the novels' key characters, including Lisbeth Salander and Mikael Blomkvist, and investigates the author, Stieg Larsson
  • As engrossing as the quest to free Lisbeth Salander from her past, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Philosophy is ideal reading for anyone interested in unraveling the subtext and exploring the greater issues at work in the story.

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    Table of Contents-
    • ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Confi dential Sources xv

      Introduction: The Girl Who Kicked the Sophists' Nest 1


      1 Labeling Lisbeth: Sti(e)gma and Spoiled Identity 7
      Aryn Martin and Mary Simms

      2 The Mis- Education of Lisbeth Salander and the Alchemy of the At- Risk Child 19
      Chad William Timm

      3 The Girl Who Turned the Tables: A Queer Reading of Lisbeth Salander 33
      Kim Surkan


      4 Why Are So Many Women F***ing Kalle Blomkvist?: Larsson's Philosophy of Female Attraction 49
      Andrew Terjesen and Jenny Terjesen

      5 Why Journalists and Geniuses Love Coffee and Hate Themselves 65
      Eric Bronson

      6 The Making of Kalle Blomkvist: Crime Journalism in Postwar Sweden 75
      Ester Pollack


      7 The Philosopher Who Knew Stieg Larsson: A Brief Memoir 91
      Sven Ove Hansson

      8 "This Isn't Some Damned Locked- Room Mystery Novel": Is The Millennium Trilogy Popular

      Fiction or Literature? 107
      Tyler Shores

      9 Why We Enjoy Reading about Men Who Hate Women: Aristotle's Cathartic Appeal 120
      Dennis Knepp

      10 The Dragon Tattoo and the Voyeuristic Reader 128
      Jaime Weida


      11 Hacker's Republic: Information Junkies in a Free Society 141
      Andrew Zimmerman Jones

      12 Kicking the Hornet's Nest: The Hidden "Section" in Every Institution 155
      Adriel M. Trott

      13 Secret Meetings: The Truth Is in the Gossip 166
      Karen C. Adkins


      14 The Principled Pleasure: Lisbeth's Aristotelian Revenge 181
      Emma L. E. Rees

      15 Acting Out of Duty or Just Acting Out?: Salander and Kant 189
      Tanja Barazon

      16 To Catch a Thief: The Ethics of Deceiving Bad People 198
      James Edwin Mahon

      CONTRIBUTORS: The Knights of the Philosophic Table 211

      INDEX: Code Words 217

    • Library Journal

      November 15, 2011

      In this excellent and timely addition to the series, Bronson (humanities, York Univ., Toronto) pulls together 18 international scholars and writers who examine both Stieg Larsson's novels and the movies based on them. Main characters Lisbeth Salander and Mikael Blomkvist each receive a section devoted to essays on identity politics, feminist dimensions in culture, and other salient and philosophical concerns they personify. Larsson is treated in a third section of essays, with the final two sections taking on secrets and ethics. Contributors include Karen Adkins (philosophy, Regis Coll.), Ester Pollack (journalism, Stockholm Univ.), Andrew Terjesen, who has contributed to other volumes in the series, and James E. Mahon (philosophy & law, Washington and Lee Univ.). They take up such specific considerations as Lisbeth's sexual identity, Mikael's investigatory methodology, and the ethical nature of social institutions; of course, each essay suggests philosophical assertions that can be and are argued against as well as for, making for a heady and welcome whole. You'll learn how Aristotle and Kant--among others--can be illuminated through the "Millennium Trilogy." VERDICT This volume belongs in both popular and scholarly collections. [The book is not an officially licensed product of the Larsson books or the movies.--Ed.]--Francisca Goldsmith, Infopeople Project, Berkeley, CA

      Copyright 2011 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

    • Library Journal, November 15, 2011 "In this excellent and timely addition to the series, Bronson (humanities, York University, Toronto) pulls together 18 international scholars and writers who examine both Stieg Larsson's novels and the movies based on them. Main characters Lisbeth Salander and Mikael Blomkvist each receive a section devoted to essays on identity politics, feminist dimensions in culture, and other salient and philosophical concerns they personify. Larsson is treated in a third section of essays, with the final two sections taking on secrets and ethics. Contributors include Karen Adkins (philosophy, Regis Coll.), Ester Pollack (journalism, Stockholm University), Andrew Terjesen, who has contributed to other volumes in the series, and James E. Mahon (philosophy & law, Washington and Lee Univ.). They take up such specific considerations as Lisbeth's sexual identity, Mikael's investigatory methodology, and the ethical nature of social institutions; of course, each essay suggests philosophical assertions that can be and are argued against as well as for, making for a heady and welcome whole. You'll learn how Aristotle and Kant--among others--can be illuminated through the "Millennium Trilogy." VERDICT This volume belongs in both popular and scholarly collections." [The book is not an officially licensed product of the Larsson books or the movies.--Ed.]--Francisca Goldsmith, Infopeople Project, Berkeley, CA
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