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Jacques Pépin Art of the Chicken
Cover of Jacques Pépin Art of the Chicken
Jacques Pépin Art of the Chicken
A Master Chef's Paintings, Stories, and Recipes of the Humble Bird
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From legendary chef Jacques Pepin, a book celebrating his lifelong love of chickens—featuring dozens of his celebrated paintings, a treasure trove of poignant and often humorous stories, and sprinkled with recipes throughout.

Chicken may not be an extravagant ingredient, but for master chef Jacques Pépin, it is the one he turns to most frequently—to cook and to paint. In this beautifully illustrated book, Jacques reminisces on his life through the lens of the humble bird, from his childhood in rural France, where he chased chickens and watched as his maman turned them into her poulet à la crème, to his demanding apprenticeship and long, illustrious career—cooking Chicken Chasseur for Charles de Gaulle and his family, turning down a chance to work as JFK's White House Chef for a job at Howard Johnson's, and appearing on television alongside food-world luminaries like Julia Child. Throughout are Jacques' favorite chicken and egg recipes, conveyed as if he were sharing them over a dinner table. Most significantly, the book displays dozens of Jacques' stunning paintings of chickens. "If it clucks or scratches, it's likely that Jacques has painted it." This unique book is the next best thing to a visit to Jacques' home, which would include a tour of his art studio, captivating conversation as he cooks, and a toast with a glass of wine over a simple meal of perfect roast chicken.


From legendary chef Jacques Pepin, a book celebrating his lifelong love of chickens—featuring dozens of his celebrated paintings, a treasure trove of poignant and often humorous stories, and sprinkled with recipes throughout.

Chicken may not be an extravagant ingredient, but for master chef Jacques Pépin, it is the one he turns to most frequently—to cook and to paint. In this beautifully illustrated book, Jacques reminisces on his life through the lens of the humble bird, from his childhood in rural France, where he chased chickens and watched as his maman turned them into her poulet à la crème, to his demanding apprenticeship and long, illustrious career—cooking Chicken Chasseur for Charles de Gaulle and his family, turning down a chance to work as JFK's White House Chef for a job at Howard Johnson's, and appearing on television alongside food-world luminaries like Julia Child. Throughout are Jacques' favorite chicken and egg recipes, conveyed as if he were sharing them over a dinner table. Most significantly, the book displays dozens of Jacques' stunning paintings of chickens. "If it clucks or scratches, it's likely that Jacques has painted it." This unique book is the next best thing to a visit to Jacques' home, which would include a tour of his art studio, captivating conversation as he cooks, and a toast with a glass of wine over a simple meal of perfect roast chicken.

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About the Author-
  • The winner of sixteen James Beard Awards and author of over 30 cookbooks, including The Apprentice, Essential Pépin, and Jacques Pépin Quick & Simple, JACQUES PEPIN is a chef, author, television personality, educator, and artist, and has starred in 12 acclaimed PBS cooking series. His dedication to culinary education led to the creation of the Jacques Pépin Foundation in 2016.

  • Kirkus

    Starred review from June 15, 2022
    A celebration of chicken by the world-renowned chef. "Proust had his madeleine, I have chickens," writes P�pin in this heartfelt, endearing book. "As a chef, I stand in awe of the humble bird's contributions to world cuisine." Among the author's other passions is painting, and throughout this generous book, he includes numerous colorful and quirky images in which he captures a particular emotion or attitude. From an early age, P�pin (b. 1935) wanted to become a chef. At 13, he left home to begin an apprenticeship at a hotel in his hometown of Bourg-en-Bresse, France, located in a region known for its high-quality chicken. Among the countless delightful stories in this entertaining book, the author recounts his first culinary triumph at age 15; preparing meals for various presidents after being drafted into the French Navy; the opportunity that brought him to the U.S., which "I viewed as some sort of El Dorado"; his years at Howard Johnson's; cooking with Julia Child; and teaching culinary arts at Boston University, where he has been for more than 35 years. As the author notes, he and Child agreed recipes should be simple, but they could never agree on the proper way to roast chicken. P�pin shares both of their recipes as well as his versions of other classics, including basic chicken stock, grilled chicken, eggs Benedict, Southern fried chicken, and coq au vin, and he includes a selection of memory-evoking recipes from his childhood and culinary experiences, which include recipes inspired by a range of international cuisines. P�pin also discusses his early food experiences in the U.S., including differences he noticed in French and American cooking, in addition to changes that have taken place over the years (for the better) in American food and wine culture. A must for foodies, certain to bring a smile to readers and their dinner guests.

    COPYRIGHT(2022) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    July 18, 2022
    That old culinary workhorse, the chicken, gets a clever consideration in this delightfully illustrated combination cookbook and memoir. In laying out the dozens of recipes, venerable chef Pépin (Jacques Pépin Quick & Simple) offers a thumbnail sketch autobiography, with anecdotes from his life setting the scene and providing segues between the recipes. There are no ingredient lists or measurements here; the recipes are presented narratively, so that, for instance, in recalling a grilled chicken dish made by Pépin’s younger brother, Pépin writes that the birds were split in half, rubbed with butter, herbs, and spices, and grilled “until the skin had darkened.” The Ultimate Meal (roast chicken with potatoes and salad), as taught in a class at Boston University, culminates in the exhortation to “cook with your heart,” while Scrambled Eggs Done Right offers a twist on standard preparations by pouring in a few tablespoons of raw egg and “a bit of cream” at the end of the cooking process. Pépin’s whimsical paintings of chickens appear throughout, whether pecking at grain, in the guise of vegetables, or gazing plaintively. It’s a lovely book on its own, and also a winning companion volume to Pépin’s memoir, The Apprentice.

  • Epicurious on Quick & Simple

    "You might just learn a few breezy techniques for weeknight French-style dining with this new one from Pépin." — Epicurious on Quick & Simple

    "It's very good...I'm now so loyal to him that I've been cooking from it every night." — New York Times on Quick & Simple

    "The recipes stand the test of time; this book will become a classic in your kitchen." — Food & Wine on Quick & Simple

    "A well written, funny, sad, informative and always enchanting account of an incredible career...An instant classic." — Anthony Bourdain on The Apprentice

    "A beguiling memoir." — The New Yorker on The Apprentice

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Jacques Pépin Art of the Chicken
Jacques Pépin Art of the Chicken
A Master Chef's Paintings, Stories, and Recipes of the Humble Bird
Jacques Pépin
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