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Cover of Sharks
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Sharks first lived more than 400 million years ago, 200 million years before dinosaurs walked the earth. From the dwarf shark to the great white shark, here is information on the physical characteristics of these animals, how they differ from other fish, how they are born (some hatch from eggs, others are born alive), and how they survive in their environment. Their role in ocean life and how their survival is threatened is also discussed.
Sharks first lived more than 400 million years ago, 200 million years before dinosaurs walked the earth. From the dwarf shark to the great white shark, here is information on the physical characteristics of these animals, how they differ from other fish, how they are born (some hatch from eggs, others are born alive), and how they survive in their environment. Their role in ocean life and how their survival is threatened is also discussed.
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    2 - 3

About the Author-
  • Gail Gibbons "has taught more preschoolers and early readers about the world than any other children's writer-illustrator," according to the Washington Post. Winner of the 2010 Regina Award, she has written and illustrated more than fifty books for Holiday House. She lives in Corinth, Vermont.
  • School Library Journal

    July 1, 1992
    PreS-Gr 3- A companion volume to Whales (Holiday, 1991), Sharks is less ebullient in feeling, probably because the subject is more alarmingly awesome. Gibbons again uses clear blues and greens and soft grays, but her palette is modified here with browns, startling touches of pink, orange, and yellow, and a sharp reduction of the frothy white of the earlier book. A few illustrations show sharks in somewhat contorted positions, giving odd angles to caudal appendages. The information is specific and generally accurate, although sources consulted referred to months rather than the "few weeks" Gibbons gives sharks' "thorny cased eggs" to develop and hatch. The data is often quite complex, and may be beyond a portion of the audience to which this format will have the most appeal. More informative than Cole's Hungry, Hungry Sharks (Random, 1986) or Selsam's A First Look at Sharks (Walker, 1979), this book is on par with Waters's Sea Full of Sharks (Scholastic, 1990). It's sure to be in constant circulation. -Patricia Manning, Eastchester Public Library, NY

  • Booklist

    May 1, 1992
    Gr. 2-4. Most libraries can always accommodate one more shark book--especially one written on a primary level. Gibbons offers basic anatomical and life-cycle information as well as specific facts about 12 common shark species. As always, her bold, appealing illustrations (many of them labeled and explained) are the strength of the presentation. An excellent choice for even the youngest shark fan, this will be useful for simple reports as well. ((Reviewed May 1, 1992))(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 1992, American Library Association.)

  • The Horn Book

    January 1, 1992
    Gibbons's signature style of simple text and pictures is put to fine use in this book about the many and varied species of shark. The clarity of the graphics is matched by the meaningful selection of information.

    (Copyright 1992 by The Horn Book, Incorporated, Boston. All rights reserved.)

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    Holiday House
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