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Luck of the Draw
Cover of Luck of the Draw
Luck of the Draw
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A popular ebook original now in print for the first time, here is the second novel in a whip-smart, witty, and thoughtful romantic trilogy about three friends who impulsively buy a lottery ticket, and never suspect the many ways their lives will change—or that for each of them, love will be the biggest win of all. Will appeal to fans of Emily Henry and classic romance with a fresh, contemporary flair.
Sure, winning the lottery allows Zoe Ferris to quit her job as a cutthroat corporate attorney, but no amount of cash will clear her conscience about the way her firm treated the O'Leary family in a wrongful death case. So she sets out to make things right, only to find gruff, grieving Aiden O'Leary doesn't need—or want—her apology. He does, however, need something else from her. Something Zoe is more than willing to give, if only to ease the pain in her heart, a sorrow she sees mirrored in his eyes . . .

Aiden doesn't know what possesses him to ask his family's enemy to be his fake fiancée. But he needs a bride if he hopes to be the winning bid on the campground he wants to purchase as part of his beloved brother's legacy. Skilled in the art of deception, the cool beauty certainly fits the bill. Only Aiden didn't expect all the humor and heart Zoe brings to their partnership—or the desire that runs deep between them. Now he's struggling with his own dark truth—that he's falling for the very woman he vowed never to forgive.


"Clayborn's characters are bright and nuanced, her dialogue quick and clever, and the world she builds warm and welcoming. Zoe and Aiden slide into love, healing themselves along the way." —Sarah MacLean, author of Heartbreaker

"A classic author writing in the modern age, Clayborn is in a league entirely her own." —Christina Lauren, New York Times bestselling authors of The Soulmate Equation
"Kate Clayborn's writing is magnetic and witty and expansive." Ali Hazelwood, New York Times bestselling author of The Love Hypothesis
A popular ebook original now in print for the first time, here is the second novel in a whip-smart, witty, and thoughtful romantic trilogy about three friends who impulsively buy a lottery ticket, and never suspect the many ways their lives will change—or that for each of them, love will be the biggest win of all. Will appeal to fans of Emily Henry and classic romance with a fresh, contemporary flair.
Sure, winning the lottery allows Zoe Ferris to quit her job as a cutthroat corporate attorney, but no amount of cash will clear her conscience about the way her firm treated the O'Leary family in a wrongful death case. So she sets out to make things right, only to find gruff, grieving Aiden O'Leary doesn't need—or want—her apology. He does, however, need something else from her. Something Zoe is more than willing to give, if only to ease the pain in her heart, a sorrow she sees mirrored in his eyes . . .

Aiden doesn't know what possesses him to ask his family's enemy to be his fake fiancée. But he needs a bride if he hopes to be the winning bid on the campground he wants to purchase as part of his beloved brother's legacy. Skilled in the art of deception, the cool beauty certainly fits the bill. Only Aiden didn't expect all the humor and heart Zoe brings to their partnership—or the desire that runs deep between them. Now he's struggling with his own dark truth—that he's falling for the very woman he vowed never to forgive.


"Clayborn's characters are bright and nuanced, her dialogue quick and clever, and the world she builds warm and welcoming. Zoe and Aiden slide into love, healing themselves along the way." —Sarah MacLean, author of Heartbreaker

"A classic author writing in the modern age, Clayborn is in a league entirely her own." —Christina Lauren, New York Times bestselling authors of The Soulmate Equation
"Kate Clayborn's writing is magnetic and witty and expansive." Ali Hazelwood, New York Times bestselling author of The Love Hypothesis
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About the Author-
  • Kate Clayborn is the critically acclaimed author of contemporary romance novels. Her work has been featured in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Oprah Magazine, Entertainment Weekly, Bookpage, and more. By day she works in education, and by night (and sometimes, by very early morning) she writes contemporary romances about smart, strong, modern heroines who face the world alongside true friends and complicated families. She resides in Virginia with her husband and their dog. She can be found online at
  • RT Book Reviews, 5 Star Gold ( "Part of the Chance of a Lifetime series, Luck of the Draw is a sumptuous read that, at its heart, is about guilt and forgiveness. Zoe is a remarkable lead: tough, vulnerable and self-aware. Aiden is equally compelling; his inscrutable surface hides a cacophony of feeling. Watching them grow to need one another is a masterclass in the genre. The progression feels achingly real, and in some ways surprises the reader as much as the characters themselves. Underpinning the romance are Zoe's friendships and Aiden's relationships with his colleagues and parents, which are given their due. In short, this is a perfect romance, born of tragedy and guilt, and flourishing in love and forgiveness."
  • Smexy Books ( "This book is going at the top of my favorites list for 2018.Clayborn gave me a story of two imperfect and deserving characters who get together for the wrong reasons and quickly fall in love for all the best reasons."
  • HEA USA Today ( "[Zoe and Aiden] are intriguing and relevant characters that drive this layered and memorable love story, and Kate Clayborn delivers a smart, sexy and sublime enemies-to-lovers romance with Luck of the Draw."
  • All About Romance ( "Poignant, romantic and charming, Luck of the Draw proves Ms. Clayborn is no one-hit-wonder and that luck has nothing to do with her talent."
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    Lyrical Press
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Luck of the Draw
Luck of the Draw
Kate Clayborn
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