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In My Past Life I Was Cleopatra
Cover of In My Past Life I Was Cleopatra
In My Past Life I Was Cleopatra
by Amal Awad
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For as long as humans have existed, we have consulted everything from the stars to stones with symbols on them. Growing up in an Arab Muslim family, Journalist Amal Awad was keenly aware of the unseen forces at play in her life – like superstition, fatalism and magical jinn. From religious devotion to New Age love and light, Amal has tried a lot. While this doesn't make her an expert in healing lives, it does make her a well-versed one, fluent in the boundless healing modalities on offer in our retail universe. From psychic mediums and spirit guides to Paleo diets and empowerment, there are questionable (and fraudulent) solutions being sold to the masses. Yet there is still a lot of good to be found in these offerings. In this funny and shrewdly observed book, Amal shares her personal journey to peace and empowerment via a wide array of psychics, healers and witches, considering the smorgasbord of spiritual thinking on offer for people wanting to #livetheirbestlife.
For as long as humans have existed, we have consulted everything from the stars to stones with symbols on them. Growing up in an Arab Muslim family, Journalist Amal Awad was keenly aware of the unseen forces at play in her life – like superstition, fatalism and magical jinn. From religious devotion to New Age love and light, Amal has tried a lot. While this doesn't make her an expert in healing lives, it does make her a well-versed one, fluent in the boundless healing modalities on offer in our retail universe. From psychic mediums and spirit guides to Paleo diets and empowerment, there are questionable (and fraudulent) solutions being sold to the masses. Yet there is still a lot of good to be found in these offerings. In this funny and shrewdly observed book, Amal shares her personal journey to peace and empowerment via a wide array of psychics, healers and witches, considering the smorgasbord of spiritual thinking on offer for people wanting to #livetheirbestlife.
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  • Publisher's Weekly

    June 21, 2021
    Journalist Awad (Beyond Veiled Cliches) investigates her own spiritual skepticism in this refreshing memoir-cum-self-help guide. In surveying a plethora of “woo-woo” new age practices, Amal shares her own experiences trying them out and identifies various belief systems and practices that have resonated with her. She details her upbringing in a Muslim household before becoming a “sceptical believer” who sees Islam as simply one system within a continuum of viable
    supernatural beliefs. With a mix of genuine curiosity and journalistic apprehension, she explores meditation, quantum physics, energy and chakra healers, witches, and mediums. For instance, she shares how Vedic meditation helped her understand “oneness” and how quantum physics opens up scientifically plausible explanation for “a single unified field” between the physical and “virtual” realms of existence. A highlight is her trip to an event featuring Marianne Williamson, Caroline Myss, and Joe Dispenza, after which she developed a chart for understanding where one falls on the “spectrum of woo woo,” which readers can use to situate themselves within the often amorphous field of gurus. This thorough yet easily accessible guide will be of particular interest to those questioning their spirituality.

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In My Past Life I Was Cleopatra
In My Past Life I Was Cleopatra
Amal Awad
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