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The Big Bang Theory and Philosophy
Cover of The Big Bang Theory and Philosophy
The Big Bang Theory and Philosophy
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Aristotle, Locke
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A lighthearted meditation on the philosophical quandaries of the hit television show The Big Bang Theory

Ever wonder what Aristotle might say about the life Sheldon Cooper leads? Why Thomas Hobbes would applaud the roommate agreement? Who Immanuel Kant would treat with "haughty derision" for weaving "un-unravelable webs?" And—most importantly—whether Wil Wheaton is truly evil? Of course you have. Bazinga!

This book mines the deep thinking of some of history's most potent philosophical minds to explore your most pressing questions about The Big Bang Theory and its nerdy genius characters. You might find other philosophy books on science and cosmology, but only this one refers to Darth Vader Force-chokes, cloning Leonard Nimoy, and oompa-loompa-like engineers. Fo-shizzle.

  • Gives you irresistibly geek-worthy insights on your favorite Big Bang Theory characters, story lines, and ideas
  • Examines important themes involving ethics and virtue, science, semiotics, religion, and the human condition
  • Brings the thinking of some of the world's greatest philosophers to bear on The Big Bang Theory, from Aristotle and Plato to Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, Simone de Beauvoir, and more
  • Essential reading for every Big Bang Theory fan, this book explores whether comic-book-wielding geeks can lead the good life, and whether they can know enough science to "tear the mask off nature and stare at the face of God."

    A lighthearted meditation on the philosophical quandaries of the hit television show The Big Bang Theory

    Ever wonder what Aristotle might say about the life Sheldon Cooper leads? Why Thomas Hobbes would applaud the roommate agreement? Who Immanuel Kant would treat with "haughty derision" for weaving "un-unravelable webs?" And—most importantly—whether Wil Wheaton is truly evil? Of course you have. Bazinga!

    This book mines the deep thinking of some of history's most potent philosophical minds to explore your most pressing questions about The Big Bang Theory and its nerdy genius characters. You might find other philosophy books on science and cosmology, but only this one refers to Darth Vader Force-chokes, cloning Leonard Nimoy, and oompa-loompa-like engineers. Fo-shizzle.

  • Gives you irresistibly geek-worthy insights on your favorite Big Bang Theory characters, story lines, and ideas
  • Examines important themes involving ethics and virtue, science, semiotics, religion, and the human condition
  • Brings the thinking of some of the world's greatest philosophers to bear on The Big Bang Theory, from Aristotle and Plato to Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, Simone de Beauvoir, and more
  • Essential reading for every Big Bang Theory fan, this book explores whether comic-book-wielding geeks can lead the good life, and whether they can know enough science to "tear the mask off nature and stare at the face of God."

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    Table of Contents-
    • Acknowledgments ix

      Introduction: "Unraveling the Mysteries" 1

      Part One "It All Began On A Warm Summer's Evening In Greece": Aristotelian Insights

      1 Aristotle on Sheldon Cooper: Ancient Greek Meets Modern Geek 7
      Greg Littmann

      2 "You're a Sucky, Sucky Friend": Seeking Aristotelian Friendship in The Big Bang Theory 21
      Dean A. Kowalski

      3 The Big Bang Theory on the Use and Abuse of Modern Technology 35
      Kenneth Wayne Sayles III

      Part Two "Is It Wrong To Say I Love Our Killer Robot?": Ethics And Virtue

      4 Feeling Bad about Feeling Good: Is It Morally Wrong to Laugh at Sheldon? 51
      W. Scott Clifton

      5 . . . But Is Wil Wheaton Evil? 65
      Donna Marie Smith

      6 Do We Need a Roommate Agreement?: Pleasure, Selfishness, and Virtue in The Big Bang Theory 80
      Gregory L. Bock and Jeffrey L. Bock

      Part Three "Perhaps You Mean A Different Thing Than I Do When You Say 'Science'": Science, Scientism, And Religion

      7 Getting Fundamental about Doing Physics in The Big Bang Theory 99
      Jonathan Lawhead

      8 Sheldon, Leonard, and Leslie: The Three Faces of Quantum Gravity 112
      Andrew Zimmerman Jones

      9 The One Paradigm to Rule Them All: Scientism and The Big Bang Theory 128
      Massimo Pigliucci

      10 Cooper Considerations: Science, Religion, and Family 144
      Adam Barkman and Dean A. Kowalski

      Part Four "I Need Your Opinion On A Matter Of Semiotics": Language And Meaning

      11 Wittgenstein and Language Games in The Big Bang Theory 161
      Janelle Pötzsch

      12 "I'm Afraid You Couldn't Be More Wrong!": Sheldon and Being Right about Being Wrong 175
      Adolfas Mackonis

      13 The Cooper Conundrum: Good Lord, Who's Tolerating Whom? 189
      Ruth E. Lowe

      14 The Mendacity Bifurcation 203
      Don Fallis

      Part Five "The Human Experience That Has Always Eluded Me": The Human Condition

      15 Mothers and Sons of The Big Bang Theory 219
      Ashley Barkman

      16 Penny, Sheldon, and Personal Growth through Difference 233
      Nicholas G. Evans

      17 Deconstructing the Women of The Big Bang Theory: So Much More Than Girlfriends 244
      Mark D. White and Maryanne L. Fisher

      The Episode Compendium: "Hey, It's a Big Menu—There's Two Pages Just for Desserts" 257

      Contributors:"But If We Were Part of the Team . . . We Could Drink for Free in Any Bar in Any College Town" 261

      Index: "Cornucopia . . . Let's Make That Our Word of the Day" 267

    • Ponderings on a Faith Journey, 10 August 2012 "If you're looking for a straight discussion of philosophy try reading Frederick Copleston's The History of Philosophy, but if you're open to learning in a fun environment try this book. Just remember that this book is first of all a study of philosophy geared to the non-specialist. The by-product of the book is that you will deepen your understanding of and engagement with the characters in these shows."
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    Rock, Paper, Scissors, Aristotle, Locke
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