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Between Us
Cover of Between Us
Between Us
A Novel
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"The whole time I'm reading a Mhairi McFarlane novel, I feel like a fist is squeezing my heart... she is so ridiculously talented." Emily Henry

International bestseller Mhairi McFarlane delivers a witty, clever, emotional new novel about a woman whose life unravels spectacularly after her screenwriter boyfriend uses their relationship as inspiration for his new television show.

When Roisin and Joe join their friends for a weekend at a country house, it's a triple celebration—a birthday, an engagement, and the launch of Joe's shiny new TV show. But as the weekend unfolds, tensions come to light in the group and Roisin begins to question her own relationship. And as they watch the first episode of Joe's drama, she realizes that the private things she told him—which should have stayed between them—are right there on the screen.

With her friend group in chaos and her messy love life on display for the whole world to see, Roisin returns home to avoid the unwanted attention and help run her family's pub. But drama still follows, in the form of her dysfunctional family and the looming question: what other parts of her now-ex's show are inspired by real events? Lies? Infidelity? Every week, as a new episode airs, she wonders what other secrets will be revealed.

Yet the most unexpected twist of all is an old friend, who is suddenly there for Roisin in ways she never knew she needed...

"The whole time I'm reading a Mhairi McFarlane novel, I feel like a fist is squeezing my heart... she is so ridiculously talented." Emily Henry

International bestseller Mhairi McFarlane delivers a witty, clever, emotional new novel about a woman whose life unravels spectacularly after her screenwriter boyfriend uses their relationship as inspiration for his new television show.

When Roisin and Joe join their friends for a weekend at a country house, it's a triple celebration—a birthday, an engagement, and the launch of Joe's shiny new TV show. But as the weekend unfolds, tensions come to light in the group and Roisin begins to question her own relationship. And as they watch the first episode of Joe's drama, she realizes that the private things she told him—which should have stayed between them—are right there on the screen.

With her friend group in chaos and her messy love life on display for the whole world to see, Roisin returns home to avoid the unwanted attention and help run her family's pub. But drama still follows, in the form of her dysfunctional family and the looming question: what other parts of her now-ex's show are inspired by real events? Lies? Infidelity? Every week, as a new episode airs, she wonders what other secrets will be revealed.

Yet the most unexpected twist of all is an old friend, who is suddenly there for Roisin in ways she never knew she needed...

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About the Author-
  • Sunday Times bestselling author Mhairi McFarlane was born in Scotland, and her unnecessarily confusing name is pronounced Vah-Ree. After some efforts at journalism, she started writing fiction and her first book, You Had Me At Hello, was an instant success. She's now written ten novels, and she lives in Nottingham with a man and a cat.

  • Kirkus

    June 15, 2023
    Friends turn lovers after years of misunderstandings. Roisin Walters and Joe Powell have been a couple for a long time, she being the kind Monica to his somewhat mean Chandler in their group of friends in northern England. But as Joe has found fame as a TV writer, Roisin can no longer pretend that their relationship is thriving. When she realizes that he's stealing ideas from her life to fuel his new project, and might also be unfaithful, Roisin tries to call it quits. In the process, it slowly dawns on her that their pal Matt McKenzie no longer feels like just a friend. By turns comic and poignant and occasionally spiked with soap-operatic confrontations, McFarlane's latest offering is more in the tradition of Bridget Jones's Diary than a straightforward genre romance novel. While her female protagonist occasionally seems written to incite the reader's exasperation, Roisin's scenes with other women and the portrait of her flawed mother show a more deft hand at representing the gender. Matt, with his slight resemblance to Mark Darcy, comes off as error-prone but a well-meaning nice guy. McFarlane defers their happy ending (or happy start, as Roisin the teacher explains to her students) for most of the plot, spending more time on Roisin and Joe's messy breakup. The novel's emphasis on female solidarity against gaslighting, narcissistic boyfriends might be cathartic for some readers, while the off-the-page sex between the eventual couple might not work for others. References to abortion and abuse are handled with a respectful touch and feel like an organic part of the plot. An entertaining romantic drama with more conversations about fidelity and sex than sexy times.

    COPYRIGHT(2023) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    July 3, 2023
    McFarlane’s latest (after Mad About You) is an immensely readable deep dive into the durability of friendships and the slow death of a romantic relationship, rounded out with a love story that feels almost like an afterthought. High school teacher Roisin Walters’s 10-year relationship has been fizzling out for some time, but she had no intention to break up with her TV writer boyfriend, Joe, during a weekend getaway with their core friend group. To make matters worse, when the crew sits down to watch Joe’s new show together, Roisin is shocked to see their fraught relationship reflected on screen—and in the show, the character based on Joe is unfaithful, leading Roisin to wonder just how much art imitates life. The question of whether Joe’s betrayals include infidelity is central to the story, but the larger plot revolves around the current state of a friend group that has become a family, as all are affected by the breakup. A budding attraction between Roisin and her friend Matt brings some feels, but it doesn’t arrive until well after the halfway mark and will leave readers looking for a traditional romance somewhat underwhelmed. Still, it’s a thoughtful and often enjoyable exploration of human relationships.

  • Library Journal

    Starred review from July 1, 2023

    Roisin and her five closest friends, including her boyfriend, Joe, are meeting for a weekend getaway to celebrate various milestones, including the premiere of screenwriter Joe's new show. There is a fissure in the group when one friend leaves the vacation early after a fight and when Joe's show, Hunter, broadcasts Roisin's most closely guarded childhood trauma. After the show airs, Roisin questions if the main character's infidelity means Joe has been unfaithful. She begins to feel betrayed and, after some reflection, also recognizes how hurtful and toxic Joe is towards her and others. While Roisin reflects on her relationship and carries out a minor investigation into Joe's past, she enjoys some quality time with her good friend Matt. As she and Matt become closer, Roisin cannot ignore the intense feelings; then she learns that Matt has been keeping secrets of his own. When the truth is aired, Roisin must suss out whether Matt is just as hurtful as Joe. VERDICT McFarlane's (Mad About You) distinct voice, mixing comedy with deep topics of manipulation and trust, never disappoints and will have readers eager for the next page. Perfect for fans of Sally Thorne and Emily Henry.--Ashli Wells

    Copyright 2023 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Booklist

    July 1, 2023
    Roisin and Joe have been together for nine years, but for the past year, as Joe's screenwriting career has taken off, Roisin feels like they have been drifting apart. Things come to a head at a weekend getaway with their group of friends, Dev, Gina, Meredith, and Matt, aka the Brians, when they watch Joe's latest show, about a detective who cheats on his girlfriend. Joe included things about Roisin's past that she told him in confidence, and she begins to wonder how much more of the show is true to life. When Roisin goes to York to help her mother in her pub, Matt shows up to help as well, and they hatch a plan to root out the truth behind Joe's show. McFarlane's latest (after Mad about You, 2022) captures the dissolution of a romantic relationship with humor and emotional honesty. Readers will root for Roisin as she is torn between what Joe tells her and her niggling suspicions, and as she leans on her friends for help. This British charmer will appeal to Katherine Center fans.


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Between Us
Between Us
A Novel
Mhairi McFarlane
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