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The Red Lotus
Cover of The Red Lotus
The Red Lotus
A Novel
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NATIONAL BESTSELLER • From the New York Times bestselling author of The Flight Attendant comes a twisting story of love and deceit: an American man vanishes on a rural road in Vietnam, and his girlfriend follows a path that leads her home to the very hospital where they met.
Alexis and Austin don’t have a typical “meet cute”—their first encounter involves Alexis, an emergency room doctor, suturing a bullet wound in Austin’s arm. Six months later, they’re on a romantic getaway in Vietnam: a bike tour on which Austin can show Alexis his passion for cycling, and can pay his respects to the place where his father and uncle fought in the war. But then Austin fails to return from a solo ride. Alexis’s boyfriend has vanished, the only clue left behind a bright yellow energy gel dropped on the road.
As Alexis grapples with this bewildering loss, she starts to uncover a series of strange lies that force her to wonder: Where did Austin go? Why did he really bring her to Vietnam? And how much danger has he left her in? Set amidst the adrenaline-fueled world of the emergency room, The Red Lotus is a global thriller about those who dedicate their lives to saving people—and those who peddle death to the highest bidder.
Look for Chris Bohjalian's new novel, The Lioness!
NATIONAL BESTSELLER • From the New York Times bestselling author of The Flight Attendant comes a twisting story of love and deceit: an American man vanishes on a rural road in Vietnam, and his girlfriend follows a path that leads her home to the very hospital where they met.
Alexis and Austin don’t have a typical “meet cute”—their first encounter involves Alexis, an emergency room doctor, suturing a bullet wound in Austin’s arm. Six months later, they’re on a romantic getaway in Vietnam: a bike tour on which Austin can show Alexis his passion for cycling, and can pay his respects to the place where his father and uncle fought in the war. But then Austin fails to return from a solo ride. Alexis’s boyfriend has vanished, the only clue left behind a bright yellow energy gel dropped on the road.
As Alexis grapples with this bewildering loss, she starts to uncover a series of strange lies that force her to wonder: Where did Austin go? Why did he really bring her to Vietnam? And how much danger has he left her in? Set amidst the adrenaline-fueled world of the emergency room, The Red Lotus is a global thriller about those who dedicate their lives to saving people—and those who peddle death to the highest bidder.
Look for Chris Bohjalian's new novel, The Lioness!
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  • From the cover




    The swallows skipped like flat stones across the surface of the infinity pool, their wings spread, and a lone woman in a gauzy beach coverup—what she might have called a kaftan if that word didn’t sound so matronly—watched them. The tunic didn’t merely protect her pale skin from the sun, which already was sinking into the trees to the west, it hid from the world the scars on her thighs at the edge of her bathing suit. The birds, their feathers a deeper blue and a more pristine white than their cousins in North America, looked playful and frivolous, and she was beginning to resent their happiness because her disquiet was morphing moment by moment into dread. She lowered her sunglasses to gaze beyond the pool, down the long, flat stretch of driveway she could see from here, and the lines of statuesque dipterocarp trees that bordered the pavement like sentinels and were at least seventy or eighty years old. They’d been planted by some French overlord and they’d survived the wars. She was hoping to see him on his bike, hurtling through the open wrought-iron gates, past the guardhouse (manned this afternoon by a sweet and slight teenage boy in a uniform that looked like it belonged on a bellman from a grande dame hotel from a distant era) and down the straight stretch of asphalt, but she saw nothing. No bicyclist. No cars. No delivery trucks. The idea crossed her mind that he had stopped at one of the massive beach hotels to dive into the ocean on his way back; he’d expressed his disappointment that the bike tour hadn’t booked them at a property on the water, the way they had the last time he was here. No one would presume that a tall American wasn’t a guest if he raced in, leaned his bike against a palm tree, and cooled off in his bike shorts in the waves.


    Still, she tried to will him to appear, she tried to fashion an image of his black-and-red bike helmet from the heat that hovered, even this late in the day, like mist atop hot, fresh pavement.


    She swatted a mosquito on her knee and sat up on the chaise, her bare feet on the bluestone tile, and dropped her magazine. Her hands were moist with sweat and sunblock, and she wiped them on her coverup. An animal, a tiny rodent of some sort, skittered beneath the chaise and into the nearby brush. A salamander froze. She reached for her phone and sent him yet another text asking him if he was okay. She’d sent him five now, each one a little more urgent and anxious than the one that had preceded it. He was an hour and a half late. If he’d had a flat tire, he would have texted. The sag wag—their slang for the support wagon, a van technically—would have left to rescue him. There was pretty good cell coverage in this corner of Vietnam, though apparently it was spotty in some of the inland stretches and up over the pass that would comprise a part of his ride. If he’d stopped for a cup of iced coffee—or even hot coffee; he was obsessed with the way the waitstaff at so many places here would bring a French press to the table—he would have let her know. If he were lost, he would have sent her what she imagined would have been a comical Mayday. She’d heard nothing from him since they’d parted midmorning.


    The sun wouldn’t set for a few hours, but it troubled her that his bike didn’t have a light.


    For an hour now, her thoughts had grown steadily darker, a step-by-step ascent into the thin air of trepidation: He’d been hit by a car that had left him hurt by the side of the road. He’d been hit by a truck that had sent him careening over a...

  • Publisher's Weekly

    January 20, 2020
    A bicycling tour of Vietnam takes a dark turn when Manhattan ER doctor Alexis Remnick’s boyfriend, Austin Harper, disappears in this intricately plotted thriller from Bohjalian (The Flight Attendant). Austin, an experienced cyclist, fails to return to the couple’s hotel after a long solo ride, during which he planned to pay his respects to his father and uncle, who were American soldiers in the Vietnam War. His uncle was killed, and his father was wounded. As the hours pass, Alexis, worried for Austin’s safety, contacts the authorities, and learns that Austin lied about his father and uncle. When Austin’s body is found, it’s suspected that he was a victim of a hit and run. But after identifying his body, Alexis has reason to suspect foul play. Back home, Alexis hires a PI to unearth the truth behind Austin’s lies. Austin may have been enmeshed in a scheme with global implications, and Alexis is drawn into a diabolical plot reminiscent of a Robin Cook thriller. Each character, including secondary players, is carefully drawn, and Bohjalian keeps the tension high all the way to the surprising finale. Bohjalian’s many fans and newcomers alike will be satisfied. Author tour.

  • AudioFile Magazine In these days of COVID-19, listening to a novel about a potential pandemic that originates in Asia may make fiction just a little too real. Nonetheless, narrator Rebecca Lowman succeeds in voicing the many American and Vietnamese characters in this suspense novel. She is particularly effective at portraying Alexis, who is visiting Vietnam with her new boyfriend, who wants to pay his respects to family members who fought there. When Austin disappears, it becomes clear that all is not as it seems. Listeners may find it challenging to follow the "confidential interviews" interspersed throughout the story. And descriptions of rats and their habits may be disturbing. For the less squeamish, this audiobook provides an intense plot and an illuminating story of what war leaves behind. E.Q. © AudioFile 2020, Portland, Maine
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The Red Lotus
The Red Lotus
A Novel
Chris Bohjalian
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