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Everyone Is Watching
Cover of Everyone Is Watching
Everyone Is Watching
A Locked-Room Thriller
"Big Brother meets Clue in this utterly original and incredibly tense locked-room mystery." —May Cobb, author of A Likeable Woman
A mysterious high-stakes game proves life-threatening in this twisty thriller from the New York Times bestselling author of The Overnight Guest
The Best Friend. The Confidant. The Senator. The Boyfriend. The Executive.
Five contestants have been chosen to compete for ten million dollars on the game show One Lucky Winner. The catch? None of them knows what (or who) to expect, and it will be live streamed all over the world. Completely secluded in an estate in Northern California, with strict instructions not to leave the property and zero contact with the outside world, the competitors start to feel a little too isolated.
When long-kept secrets begin to rise to the surface, the contestants realize this is no longer just a reality show—someone is out for blood. And the game can't end until the world knows who the contestants really are...
And don't miss these other enthralling thrillers by Heather Gudenkauf:
  • The Weight of Silence
  • These Things Hidden
  • Little Mercies
  • Missing Pieces
  • Not a Sound
  • Before She Was Found
  • This is How I Lied
  • The Overnight Guest

  • "Big Brother meets Clue in this utterly original and incredibly tense locked-room mystery." —May Cobb, author of A Likeable Woman
    A mysterious high-stakes game proves life-threatening in this twisty thriller from the New York Times bestselling author of The Overnight Guest
    The Best Friend. The Confidant. The Senator. The Boyfriend. The Executive.
    Five contestants have been chosen to compete for ten million dollars on the game show One Lucky Winner. The catch? None of them knows what (or who) to expect, and it will be live streamed all over the world. Completely secluded in an estate in Northern California, with strict instructions not to leave the property and zero contact with the outside world, the competitors start to feel a little too isolated.
    When long-kept secrets begin to rise to the surface, the contestants realize this is no longer just a reality show—someone is out for blood. And the game can't end until the world knows who the contestants really are...
    And don't miss these other enthralling thrillers by Heather Gudenkauf:
  • The Weight of Silence
  • These Things Hidden
  • Little Mercies
  • Missing Pieces
  • Not a Sound
  • Before She Was Found
  • This is How I Lied
  • The Overnight Guest

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    • OverDrive Read
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    About the Author-
    • Heather Gudenkauf is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of The Weight of Silence and Not a Sound. Heather lives in Iowa with her family.
    • Booklist

      January 1, 2024
      Would you be willing to risk revealing your deepest, darkest secrets to the world if it meant winning 10 million dollars? Gudenkauf's thriller puts this question front and center as five people compete on the new reality TV show, Everyone Is Watching, with the hope of winning the grand prize. A curated group of folks living independent lives come together to engage in ruthless battles. However, it doesn't take long for them to realize they're all linked in some way, through some person. While the show's host, Fern, attempts to keep the live-streamed show from becoming a disaster--making excuses for the contestants severely injuring themselves and life-threatening prop malfunctions--those competing begin to piece together the real reason they have been selected: someone is seeking revenge. The only question now is who is it and how do they escape? For readers who like fast-paced crime novels that don't linger on details, Everyone Is Watching is an easy and diverting tale that will have readers flying through the pages to learn what happens next.


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      Park Row Books
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    Everyone Is Watching
    Everyone Is Watching
    A Locked-Room Thriller
    Heather Gudenkauf
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