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We Should All Be Millionaires
Cover of We Should All Be Millionaires
We Should All Be Millionaires
A Woman's Guide to Earning More, Building Wealth, and Gaining Economic Power

Are you ready to fill your life with more peace, power, and joy?

We Should All Be Millionaires details a realistic, achievable, step-by-step path to creating the support, confidence, and plan you need to own your success and become the millionaire the world needs you to be.

Only 10 percent of the world's millionaires are women, making it difficult for women to wield the economic power that will create lasting equality. Whatever is stopping you from having seven figures in the bank—whether it's shaky confidence, knowledge gaps when it comes to wealth building tactics, imposter syndrome, a janky mindset about money (it's okay, we've all been there!), or simply not knowing where to begin—this book shows you how to clear every obstacle in your way, show up, and glow up.

We Should All Be Millionaires will forever change the way you think about money and your ability to earn it.

In this book, Rachel Rodgers— a Black woman, mother of four, attorney, business owner, and self-made millionaire— shares the lessons she's learned both in her own journey to wealth and in coaching hundreds of women through their own journeys to seven figures.

Inside, you'll learn:

  • Why earning more money is not "selfish" or "greedy" but in fact, a revolutionary act that brings the economy into balance and creates a better world for all.
  • Why most of the financial advice you've heard in the past (like "skip your daily latte to save money") is absolute, patriarchal nonsense.
  • An eye-opening history lesson on how women and people of color have been shut out of the ability to build wealth for centuries—and how we can fix this.
  • How to stop making broke-ass decisions that leave you feeling emotionally and financially depleted and start making million-dollar decisions instead.
  • Why aiming to earn $100K per year is not enough, and why you need to be setting your goals much higher.
  • Strategies to bring more money in the door and fatten your bank account immediately. (Including Rodgers'$10K in 10 Days Challenge which hundreds of women have completed—with incredible results.)
  • It's time to construct an entirely new attitude about money, claim your power, and build the financial security that you need and deserve — so you can stop just surviving, and start thriving. Let's begin.

    Are you ready to fill your life with more peace, power, and joy?

    We Should All Be Millionaires details a realistic, achievable, step-by-step path to creating the support, confidence, and plan you need to own your success and become the millionaire the world needs you to be.

    Only 10 percent of the world's millionaires are women, making it difficult for women to wield the economic power that will create lasting equality. Whatever is stopping you from having seven figures in the bank—whether it's shaky confidence, knowledge gaps when it comes to wealth building tactics, imposter syndrome, a janky mindset about money (it's okay, we've all been there!), or simply not knowing where to begin—this book shows you how to clear every obstacle in your way, show up, and glow up.

    We Should All Be Millionaires will forever change the way you think about money and your ability to earn it.

    In this book, Rachel Rodgers— a Black woman, mother of four, attorney, business owner, and self-made millionaire— shares the lessons she's learned both in her own journey to wealth and in coaching hundreds of women through their own journeys to seven figures.

    Inside, you'll learn:

  • Why earning more money is not "selfish" or "greedy" but in fact, a revolutionary act that brings the economy into balance and creates a better world for all.
  • Why most of the financial advice you've heard in the past (like "skip your daily latte to save money") is absolute, patriarchal nonsense.
  • An eye-opening history lesson on how women and people of color have been shut out of the ability to build wealth for centuries—and how we can fix this.
  • How to stop making broke-ass decisions that leave you feeling emotionally and financially depleted and start making million-dollar decisions instead.
  • Why aiming to earn $100K per year is not enough, and why you need to be setting your goals much higher.
  • Strategies to bring more money in the door and fatten your bank account immediately. (Including Rodgers'$10K in 10 Days Challenge which hundreds of women have completed—with incredible results.)
  • It's time to construct an entirely new attitude about money, claim your power, and build the financial security that you need and deserve — so you can stop just surviving, and start thriving. Let's begin.

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    About the Author-
    • Rachel Rodgers' first digital product, Small Business Bodyguard, has produced more than one million dollars in revenue and served over 3,500 customers. In the past two years, she's helped over a thousand female entrepreneurs significantly increase their income with her company coaching company Hello Seven. Her mission with this book is to use the platform I've established to share the belief - no, the reality - that all women should be millionaires.

      Rachel's advice has been shared in Fast Company, Forbes, Entrepreneur, The Washington Post, and Time. She's explained to NBC why it's hard to be a feminist if you're broke. And, because she has a lot to say that's controversial, she's pretty popular when it comes to booking media.

    • Publisher's Weekly

      May 31, 2021
      Attorney Rodgers shares advice for women who want to become big earners in her zippy debut. “I believe every woman should want to be a millionaire,” she writes, and makes a case that wielding economic power is how women “make change... and serve the world.” She profiles the people who helped form her view of wealth, instructs readers on ways to reframe their beliefs around money, and recommends writing a thank you letter to their debt to appreciate what it’s brought into their life. Rodgers uses casual language to make candid points—a positive-affirmation-like “Million Dollar Thought,” for example, finds its counter in “Broke Ass Thought,” a negative belief—but some of her advice can seem flippant, as when she suggests entrepreneurs double the price for their services, and responds to concerns about charging more than others in the market with, “Good. That means you will stand out.” Still, her encouraging approach lands when she’s addressing the psychology around money-making: “When you are making this kind of money... you can enjoy your life and make the world a better place.” Women looking to reframe their relationship with wealth should give this a look. Agent: Steve Troha, Folio Literary Management.

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    We Should All Be Millionaires
    We Should All Be Millionaires
    A Woman's Guide to Earning More, Building Wealth, and Gaining Economic Power
    Rachel Rodgers
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