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John Lewis
Cover of John Lewis
John Lewis
Congressman & Civil Rights Activist
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This title introduces young readers to John Lewis, best known for his role during the Civil Rights era, for walking alongside Martin Luther King, Jr., and for his work as a congressman. Readers will enjoy learning about Lewis' early years, and his incredible achievements both socially and politically. Aligned to Common Core standards & correlated to state standards. Abdo Kids Jumbo is an imprint of Abdo Kids, a division of ABDO.
This title introduces young readers to John Lewis, best known for his role during the Civil Rights era, for walking alongside Martin Luther King, Jr., and for his work as a congressman. Readers will enjoy learning about Lewis' early years, and his incredible achievements both socially and politically. Aligned to Common Core standards & correlated to state standards. Abdo Kids Jumbo is an imprint of Abdo Kids, a division of ABDO.
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    K - 2

  • School Library Journal

    November 1, 2021

    K-Gr 2-Famous contemporary people are presented in these brief, introductory volumes. Amanda Gorman is a Harvard graduate and poet who read at President Biden's inauguration, Anthony Fauci is a doctor who leads the White House Coronavirus Task Force, Jill Biden is a working first lady, John Lewis was a congressman for 30 years, Kamala Harris is the first female vice president, and Tom Brady is a star NFL quarterback. Little information is disseminated; the primary focus is on what these individuals are famous for. Nice color photographs of the subjects accompany the simple text. Given that all these people are currently in the news, these titles are very timely. VERDICT Because of the currency of the subjects, very young people will have their basic curiosity satisfied, and perhaps even piqued, with these up-to-date volumes on people frequently in the news. Selectors should consider.

    Copyright 2021 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Booklist

    September 1, 2021
    Grades 1-3 The latest set in the History Makers Biographies series (6 new titles) adds an outstanding group of individuals to the fold, many of whom youngsters will recognize from TV and the news. Geared toward a primary-school audience, these simple introductions outline each person's childhood, education, career, and accomplishments, using short sentences that incorporate some challenging vocabulary and that are always accompanied by crisp, full-page photos. Following the main text, a time line reviews key dates from the person's life and a glossary thoroughly defines the book's bolded terms. A QR code sends young learners to age-appropriate, online resources, as well as a related video, craft, and downloadable activities. Kids will get a dose of good trouble in John Lewis, which highlights the congressman's activism against segregation and for the civil rights of Black Americans. Solid stepping-stones into nonfiction reading and research.


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    Abdo Publishing Company
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John Lewis
John Lewis
Congressman & Civil Rights Activist
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