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A Court of Thorns and Roses
Cover of A Court of Thorns and Roses
A Court of Thorns and Roses
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The first instalment of the GLOBAL PHENOMENON and TikTok sensation, from multi-million selling and #1 Sunday Times bestselling author Sarah J. Maas

Maas has established herself as a fantasy fiction titan – Time
Harry Potter magic, Taylor Swift sass, Fifty Shades-level athleticism – The Sunday Times
With bits of Buffy, Game of Thrones and Outlander, this is a glorious series of total joy Stylist
Spiced with slick plotting and atmospheric world-building ... a page-turning delight – Guardian


Feyre is a huntress, but when she kills what she thinks is a wolf in the woods, a terrifying creature arrives to demand retribution. Dragged to a treacherous magical land she knows about only from legends, Feyre discovers that her captor, Tamlin, is not truly a beast, but one of the lethal, immortal Fae.

And there's more to the Fae than the legends suggest.

As Feyre adapts to her new home, her feelings for Tamlin begin to change. Icy hostility turns to fiery passion that burns through every lie she's been told about the beautiful, dangerous world of the Fae. But shadows are creeping in, and Tamlin has a dark secret that he cannot share. Fate brought Feyre to Tamlin for a reason, but saving him from the darkness that threatens his world will lead her down a path that she can never return from.

Enter the world of Sarah J. Maas and discover the sweeping romantic fantasy that everyone's talking about for yourself.

5* reader reviews
'This is the first fantasy book I've ever read . . . I'm hooked. I'm addicted'
'I'm a standard romance girl but this swept me off my feet'
'Her writing is exquisite; her characters complex . . . and worlds all-consuming'
'This book has ignited my spark for reading again'
The first instalment of the GLOBAL PHENOMENON and TikTok sensation, from multi-million selling and #1 Sunday Times bestselling author Sarah J. Maas

Maas has established herself as a fantasy fiction titan – Time
Harry Potter magic, Taylor Swift sass, Fifty Shades-level athleticism – The Sunday Times
With bits of Buffy, Game of Thrones and Outlander, this is a glorious series of total joy Stylist
Spiced with slick plotting and atmospheric world-building ... a page-turning delight – Guardian


Feyre is a huntress, but when she kills what she thinks is a wolf in the woods, a terrifying creature arrives to demand retribution. Dragged to a treacherous magical land she knows about only from legends, Feyre discovers that her captor, Tamlin, is not truly a beast, but one of the lethal, immortal Fae.

And there's more to the Fae than the legends suggest.

As Feyre adapts to her new home, her feelings for Tamlin begin to change. Icy hostility turns to fiery passion that burns through every lie she's been told about the beautiful, dangerous world of the Fae. But shadows are creeping in, and Tamlin has a dark secret that he cannot share. Fate brought Feyre to Tamlin for a reason, but saving him from the darkness that threatens his world will lead her down a path that she can never return from.

Enter the world of Sarah J. Maas and discover the sweeping romantic fantasy that everyone's talking about for yourself.

5* reader reviews
'This is the first fantasy book I've ever read . . . I'm hooked. I'm addicted'
'I'm a standard romance girl but this swept me off my feet'
'Her writing is exquisite; her characters complex . . . and worlds all-consuming'
'This book has ignited my spark for reading again'
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  • OverDrive Read
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About the Author-
  • Sarah J. Maas is the #1 bestselling author of the Crescent City, Court of Thorns and Roses, and Throne of Glass series. Her books have sold millions of copies and are published in thirty-eight languages. Sarah lives with her family in New York City.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    March 23, 2015
    When 19-year-old Feyre kills a wolf in the borderland forest between the human world and the faerie kingdom of Prythian, she unknowingly breaks a wary truce and must repay the murder with her life. Tamlin, the shapeshifting Fae who comes to collect, offers Feyre a way out: spend the rest of her days on his lands in Prythian. She reluctantly agrees, leaving her starving family behind for the deceptive luxury of the faerie world. As Feyre begins to accept and even enjoy her new surroundings, not to mention the attentions of her host, she learns that the faerie world is crumbling under a blight that robs people like Tamlin of their magic and lets monsters roam free. Maas (the Throne of Glass series) draws themes and plot points from several fairy tales, fueling a well-developed world and complex relationships. The gruesome politics and magical might of the Fae may seem to leave Feyre hopelessly outmatched, but her grit and boundless loyalty demand that her foes—and readers—sit up and pay attention. Ages 14–up. Agent: Tamar Rydzinski, Laura Dail Literary Agency.

  • School Library Journal

    May 1, 2015

    Gr 9 Up-When 19-year-old Feyre kills a wolf in the barren woods near her home in Prythian, she thinks it might be enough to help her family survive another long winter. Instead, a monstrous creature soon comes to the cottage, accusing Feyre of murder and demanding she return with him to the Fae realm as payment for the life she took. Feyre finds herself held on a lavish estate belonging to an elite Fae creature known as Tamlin. Over the course of her captivity, Feyre soon learns that life in the Fae realm can be as much of an opportunity as a punishment. When her feelings for Tamlin shift from loathing to lust, Feyre also realizes little will be able to keep them apart-not even the threat of evil lurking on the borders of the estate. Something that has cursed Tamlin for centuries may destroy him and his realm if Feyre can't find a way to stop it. Maas follows up her "Throne of Glass" novels (Bloomsbury) with this series opener. Readers will find the author's trademark blend of action, romance, and witty banter as well as a sexier, edgier tone. This retelling of "Beauty and the Beast" and "Tam Lin" (with elements from ancient Greek mythology thrown in) has a strong focus on Feyre's physical attraction to Tamlin, but characters lacking in dimension detract from Feyre's strengths as a capable but rash heroine. Uneven pacing includes a slow start followed by a game-changing information dump, and then a more action- and less romance-filled second half. VERDICT A weak fantasy with strong romance elements. Good for fans of Maas's previous books looking for a more mature read.-Emma Carbone, Brooklyn Public Library

    Copyright 2015 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Kirkus

    April 1, 2015
    A wild new take on "Beauty and the Beast" in a world where humans and the faeries who once enslaved them live separated by a wall erected under Treaty. Feyre keeps her once-great, now-impoverished family fed-but just barely-by hunting. On a desperate trip, she kills a large wolf that's actually a fae, which she learns when a large beast tears into their cottage demanding the murderer. For retribution, he brings her to the faerie lands she grew up hating and fearing-with reason, as many dangerous faeries love tormenting humans. She learns truths and lies about faeries, who have been afflicted by a mysterious, magical blight. When not in beast form, Tamlin is beautiful, powerful, and one of the seven High Lords of faerie. Their romantic courtship sizzles with sexual tension before reaching a consensual consummation conveyed in appropriately brutish language (Tamlin is a shape-shifter, after all). Feyre knows the fae are keeping dangerous secrets from her, but by the time she finds out the truth it might be too late. In the end, it's Feyre who must face nigh-impossible trials and cruel court games to save Tamlin. The plot is not without its occasional weak moments, most notably a late exposition dump and a too-easy final riddle. Nevertheless, the sexual tension and deadly action are well-supported by Maas' expertly drawn, multidimensional characters and their nuanced interpersonal dynamics. A satisfying conclusion to the storyline leaves the door open for future books. Sexy and romantic. (Fantasy. 14 & up)

  • Alexandra Bracken A gorgeously written tale as lush and romantic as it is ferocious ... Absolutely spellbinding
  • Kirkus Reviews Sexual tension and deadly action
  • RT Book Reviews Vicious and intoxicating ... A dazzling world, complex characters, and sizzling romance
  • Christina Lauren Like Stephen King, Nora Roberts, Rick Riordan, and other masters, Maas transcends her genre, becoming foundational to every bookshelf. No longer do people ask whether someone has read her; they ask which book started it all for them.
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A Court of Thorns and Roses
A Court of Thorns and Roses
Sarah J. Maas
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