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Cover of Batman
by Marie Lu
Borrow Borrow
This dark and twisty BATMAN in the blockbuster DC Icons series is an action-packed thrill ride from #1 New York Times bestselling author MARIE LU.
Before he was Batman, he was Bruce Wayne. A reckless boy willing to break the rules for a girl who may be his worst enemy.
The Nightwalkers are terrorizing Gotham City, and Bruce Wayne is next on their list. Bruce is turning eighteen and inheriting his family's fortune, not to mention the keys to Wayne Industries and all the tech gadgetry that he could ever desire. But on the way home from his birthday party, he makes an impulsive choice that leads to community service at Arkham Asylum, the infamous prison. There, he meets Madeleine Wallace, a brilliant killer with ties to the Nightwalkers. A girl who will only speak to Bruce. She is the mystery he must unravel, but is he convincing her to divulge her secrets, or is he feeding her the information she needs to bring Gotham City to its knees?
Bruce Wayne is proof that you don't need superpowers to be a super hero, but can he survive Madeleine's game of tense intrigue and deception?
Act fast! The first printing includes a poster of Bruce! Each first printing in the DC Icons series will have a limited-edition poster—collect them all to create the full image!
"Masterful. . . . A great story for any Dark Knight fan."
—Den of Geek
Don't miss the rest of the DC Icons series! Read them in any order you choose:
* Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo
* Catwoman: Soulstealer by Sarah J. Maas
* Superman: Dawnbreaker by Matt de la Peña
This dark and twisty BATMAN in the blockbuster DC Icons series is an action-packed thrill ride from #1 New York Times bestselling author MARIE LU.
Before he was Batman, he was Bruce Wayne. A reckless boy willing to break the rules for a girl who may be his worst enemy.
The Nightwalkers are terrorizing Gotham City, and Bruce Wayne is next on their list. Bruce is turning eighteen and inheriting his family's fortune, not to mention the keys to Wayne Industries and all the tech gadgetry that he could ever desire. But on the way home from his birthday party, he makes an impulsive choice that leads to community service at Arkham Asylum, the infamous prison. There, he meets Madeleine Wallace, a brilliant killer with ties to the Nightwalkers. A girl who will only speak to Bruce. She is the mystery he must unravel, but is he convincing her to divulge her secrets, or is he feeding her the information she needs to bring Gotham City to its knees?
Bruce Wayne is proof that you don't need superpowers to be a super hero, but can he survive Madeleine's game of tense intrigue and deception?
Act fast! The first printing includes a poster of Bruce! Each first printing in the DC Icons series will have a limited-edition poster—collect them all to create the full image!
"Masterful. . . . A great story for any Dark Knight fan."
—Den of Geek
Don't miss the rest of the DC Icons series! Read them in any order you choose:
* Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo
* Catwoman: Soulstealer by Sarah J. Maas
* Superman: Dawnbreaker by Matt de la Peña
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    3 - 4

  • From the book The blood underneath her nails bothered her.
    Cheap, stupid, useless gloves, the girl thought in annoyance. She had even worn two layers of them tonight, but a rare errant slash from the knife had sliced through both layers, and now the blood had gotten on her hands. Stupid. On any other night, she would have stopped and—carefully, methodically—scraped the scarlet flakes out from under her nails, one line after another. But she had no time right now.
    No time, no time.
    Moonlight cut across the floor of the mansion, illuminating part of the man’s naked body. He bled strangely, the girl thought, compared with the others. The blood just pooled beneath him in a perfect circle, like a disk of smooth frosting on a cake.
    She sighed again and stuffed her canister of red spray paint into her backpack, then grabbed a few of the rags strewn on the floor. On the wall beside her was the symbol she had just hurriedly finished drawing.
    They had mistimed everything tonight, from the unexpected complications of Sir Robert Grant’s security system at the entrance of the mansion to the surprise of him seeing them first instead of being sound asleep. They were running late. She hated running late.
    She hurried around the bedroom chamber, gathering their tools and stuffing them all into her backpack. The moonlight illuminated her features in regular intervals as she moved past the row of win- dows. Her mother used to tell her that she had doll-like features, had been doll-like since birth—large, liquid-dark eyes; long, long lashes; a slender nose and a rosebud of a mouth; porcelain skin. Her eyebrows cut straight and soft across her brow, giving her an expression that looked permanently vulnerable.
    That was the thing about her. No one ever saw what mattered until it was too late. Until their blood stained her fingernails.
    Her hair had come undone in all the rush, tumbling in a river of black over her shoulders, and she paused to whip it back up into a knot. No doubt a strand or two had come loose and were now ly- ing somewhere on the floor, leaving a clue for the police to follow. But no matter—if she could just escape from here in time. What a messy getaway, so uncharacteristic of her.
    I’m going to kill them, she thought bitterly. Leaving me to clean this up—
    Somewhere in the night came the wail of sirens.
    She froze, listening intently. Her hand flew instinctively to rest on one of the knives strapped around her thigh. Then she started to run. Her boots made no sound—she moved like a shadow, the only noise being the faint bump of her bag against her back. As she went, she pulled her black scarf up across the bottom half of her face, hiding her nose and mouth from view, and fitted her pair of dark visors over her eyes. Through the visors, the mansion trans- formed into a grid of heat signals and green lines.
    The sirens were closing in rapidly.
    She paused again for a breath, listening. They came from differ- ent directions—they were going to surround her. No time, no time. She darted down the mansion’s staircase, her figure lost entirely in the shadows, then made a sharp turn at the bottom to head not for the front door but for the cellar. The security system had been rewired to seal the front door’s lock from the inside, but the cellar was their getaway route, all alarms cleared and window locks ready for her command.
    As she reached the cellar, the sirens outside turned deafening. The police had arrived.
    “Window A open,” she muttered into her mouthpiece. At the other end of the room, the rewired...
About the Author-
  • Marie Lu is the author of the #1 New York Times bestselling series The Young Elites, as well as the blockbuster bestselling Legend series. She graduated from the University of Southern California and jumped into the video game industry as an artist. Now a full-time writer, she spends her spare time reading, drawing, playing games, and getting stuck in traffic. She lives in Los Angeles with one husband, one Chihuahua mix, and one Pembroke Welsh corgi.
  • Kirkus

    October 15, 2017
    Young Bruce Wayne has a pre-Batman adventure. Famed boy billionaire Bruce Wayne has just turned 18, officially inheriting his deceased parents' vast fortune. But Bruce doesn't have time to give his coming-of-age much thought: a gang calling itself the Nightwalkers is terrorizing the elite citizens of Gotham City, and Bruce is determined to shut them down. Bruce's antics earn him a community-service sentence in Arkham Asylum, where he cross paths with Asian-American Madeleine Wallace, an accused murderer with ties to the Nightwalkers. Madeleine remains silent when the cops are around but speaks privately to Bruce. As the two grow closer Bruce works to shine a light on the mysterious gang and perhaps get a possibly innocent Madeleine released. Lu effectively mixes familiar Batman characters and locations with the new Nightwalkers and Madeleine, avoiding overstuffing the narrative with future villains and excessive Batman foreshadowing. The trickiest aspect of any Batman narrative is getting into Bruce Wayne's head, and she doesn't miss a beat. Bruce is headstrong, haunted but not overwhelmed, and capable of improvisation, but he isn't yet the fully formed Caped Crusader. The building blocks are there, but the author doesn't rush to assemble them too quickly. Bruce's terrible, self-destructive taste in women travels from the comics to this novel, making his relationship with Madeleine suitably complex and a bit frustrating at the same time. An engaging character piece with enough Batman allusions to intrigue fans and newcomers alike. (Fantasy. 12-16)

    COPYRIGHT(2017) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • School Library Journal

    December 1, 2017

    Gr 8 Up-Bruce Wayne faces off against the Nightwalkers in this prose novel based on Batman. Bruce has just turned 18 and is now in full control of his family fortune. Graduation is around the corner, but interfering in a police matter gets him a community service sentence cleaning floors at the Arkham Asylum. There he meets the Madeleine, a member of the Nightwalkers, locked away in solitary. When Madeleine, who refuses to talk to the police, begins talking to Bruce about her gang, the police enlist his help in the investigation. Bruce is intrigued by the beautiful yet dangerous Madeleine. The Nightwalkers are taking out the city's rich and famous, and Bruce has just been added to their list. With the help of his friends, his company's technology, and a strong desire for justice, Bruce must save Gotham from the Nightwalkers. This work can be enjoyed by fans of Batman looking for more backstory as well as those unfamiliar with the Caped Crusader. The Nightwalkers, who use violence to spread their message, fit well as a villain group within the Gotham City universe. It is through his interaction with the Nightwalkers that Bruce realizes that he and his technology may be able to help the city in ways the police cannot. A fast-paced story line, action-packed fight sequences, and hi-tech gadgetry expected from any Batman story make this a fun read with wide appeal. VERDICT A first purchase for young adult collections.-Marissa Lieberman, East Orange Public Library, NJ

    Copyright 2017 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    September 23, 2019
    This satisfactory adaptation of Lu’s eponymous novel by Eisner Award-winner Moore (Captain Ginger) presents the moral dilemmas of a young Bruce Wayne battling crime without the aid of his bat-themed costume and gadgetry. Just as Bruce turns 18 and inherits his fortune, a new gang, the “Nightwalkers,” begins to kill and steal from Gotham’s wealthiest citizens. When Bruce’s interference in a police chase ends in a car crash, he is charged with several crimes and sentenced to community service at Arkham Asylum. This rather inappropriate placement allows Lu and Moore to depict Bruce on the receiving end of objectification by the inmates, and sets up a meeting between him and Madeleine Wallace, a beautiful 18-year-old Nightwalker inmate. After a breakout from Arkham, Bruce dons a prototype armor suit to take down the baddies, adding more action sequences to the story’s early focus on interpersonal relationships. The art by Wildgoose (Batgirl) shows expressive, sharply featured characters in neon yellow-accented grayscale. While some may wonder where the batarangs and Batmobile are, readers should enjoy watching the proto-hero learn what is required to fight crime. Ages 13–17.

  • Booklist

    November 1, 2017
    Grades 9-12 Lu (The Young Elites, 2014) continues the DC Icons series with this second installment; this time, the focus is on Bruce Wayne before he became Batman. Lu's take on the caped superhero imagines him as a restless high-school senior who happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time when he witnesses criminals escaping a crime scene and gives chase himself. Following his reckless (but ultimately successful) vigilantism, Bruce is sentenced to community service atwhere else?the infamous Arkham Asylum. Housed there among Gotham's roughest criminals is brilliant but troubled Madeleine, who makes Bruce question everything he thinks he knows about the nature of evil. Familiar faces will be welcome to Batman fans, but none stand out save for Madeleine. Even Bruce, from whose perspective the story is told, is somewhat bland. However, Lu excels at making action sequences come alive and feel immediate, and this latest is no exception. An action-packed thriller from one of YA's preeminent voices. HIGH-DEMAND BACKSTORY: Lu's a blockbuster in her own right; when combined with this high-interest series, she's unstoppable.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2017, American Library Association.)

  • The Horn Book

    January 1, 2019
    Eighteen-year-old do-gooder Bruce Wayne lands in community service mopping Arkham Asylum and becomes obsessed with a young female inmate (Batman). Selina Kyle steals from Gotham City's rich and powerful, encountering other female criminal powerhouses as well as steamy Luke Fox, a.k.a. Batwing (Catwoman). These classic dark superhero tales are full of the expected action, intrigue, and tangled romance. Maas's characters are especially woke.

    (Copyright 2019 by The Horn Book, Incorporated, Boston. All rights reserved.)

  • SLJ, (for Batman: Nightwalker by Marie Lu) "A fast-paced story line, action-packed fight sequences, and hi-tech gadgetry expected from any Batman story make this a fun read with wide appeal."
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