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Forest of Secrets
Cover of Forest of Secrets
Forest of Secrets
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The third book in Erin Hunter's #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series

Join the legion of fans who have made Erin Hunter's Warriors series a bestselling phenomenon. More thrilling adventures, epic action, and fierce warrior cats await in Warriors #3: Forest of Secrets.

Allegiances are shifting among the Clans of warrior cats that roam the forest. With tensions so delicately balanced, friends can become enemies overnight, and some cats are willing to kill to get what they want.

Fireheart is determined to find out the truth about the mysterious death of the former ThunderClan deputy Redtail. But as he searches for answers, he uncovers secrets that might be better left hidden....

The third book in Erin Hunter's #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series

Join the legion of fans who have made Erin Hunter's Warriors series a bestselling phenomenon. More thrilling adventures, epic action, and fierce warrior cats await in Warriors #3: Forest of Secrets.

Allegiances are shifting among the Clans of warrior cats that roam the forest. With tensions so delicately balanced, friends can become enemies overnight, and some cats are willing to kill to get what they want.

Fireheart is determined to find out the truth about the mysterious death of the former ThunderClan deputy Redtail. But as he searches for answers, he uncovers secrets that might be better left hidden....

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  • Chapter One

    The icy wind whirled snow into Fireheart's face as he struggled down the ravine toward the ThunderClan camp, the mouse he had just killed gripped firmly in his jaws. The flakes were falling so thickly that he could scarcely see where he was going.

    His mouth watered as the prey-scent of mouse filled his nostrils. He hadn't eaten since the previous night, a grim sign of how scarce prey was in leaf-bare. Hunger clawed at his belly, but Fireheart would not break the warrior code: The Clan must be fed first.

    A glow of pride briefly drove off the chill from the snow that matted his flame-colored coat, as Fireheart remembered the battle that had taken place only three days before. He had joined the other ThunderClan warriors to help support WindClan when the moorland cats were attacked by the other two Clans in the forest. Many cats had been injured in that battle, so it was even more important for those who could still hunt to bring home prey.

    As Fireheart pushed his way through the gorse tunnel leading into the camp, he dislodged snow from the spiky branches above, and he flicked his ears as the cold lumps fell on his head. The thorn trees around the camp gave some shelter from the wind, but the clearing in the center of the camp was deserted; all the cats preferred to stay in their dens to keep warm when the snow lay this thick. Broken tree stumps and the branches of a fallen tree poked above the covering of snow. A single line of pawprints crossed from the apprentices' den to the bramble thicket where the kits were cared for. Seeing the trail, Fireheart could not help remembering that he was without an apprentice now, since Cinderpaw had been injured beside the Thunderpath.

    Trotting across the snow into the heart of the camp, Fireheart dropped his mouse on the pile of fresh-kill near the bush where the warriors slept. The pile was pitifully small. Such prey as could be found was thin and scrawny, hardly a mouthful for a famished warrior. There would be no more plump mice until newleaf, and that was many moons away.

    Fireheart was turning away, ready to go back on hunting duty, when a loud meow sounded behind him. He whirled around.

    Shouldering his way out of the warriors' den was the Clan deputy, Tigerclaw. "Fireheart!"

    Fireheart padded through the snow toward him, respectfully lowering his head, but conscious that the huge tabby's amber eyes burned into him. All his misgivings about Tigerclaw flooded through him again. The deputy was strong, respected, and an outstanding fighter, but Fireheart knew there was darkness in his heart.

    "You don't need to go out hunting again tonight," Tigerclaw growled as Fireheart approached. "Bluestar has chosen you and Graystripe to go to the Gathering."

    Fireheart's ears twitched with excitement. It was an honor to accompany the Clan leader to the Gathering, where all four Clans met in peace at full moon.

    "You had better eat now," added the dark-coated deputy. "We leave at moonrise." He began to stalk across the clearing toward the Highrock, where Bluestar, the Clan leader, had her den; then he paused and swiveled his massive head to look back at Fireheart. "Just make sure you remember which Clan you belong to at the Gathering," he hissed.

    Fireheart felt his fur bristle as anger flared inside him. "What makes you say that?" he demanded boldly. "Do you think I would be disloyal to my own Clan?"

    Tigerclaw turned to face him, and Fireheart tried hard not to flinch at the menace in the cat's tensed shoulders. "I saw you in the last battle." The deputy's voice was a low growl, and his ears were flattened against his head as he spat, "I saw you let that RiverClan warrior escape."

    Fireheart winced, his mind flashing back to...

About the Author-
  • Erin Hunter is inspired by a love of cats and a fascination with the ferocity of the natural world. In addition to having great respect for nature in all its forms, Erin enjoys creating rich mythical explanations for animal behavior. She is the author of the Warriors, Seekers, Survivors, Bravelands, and Bamboo Kingdom series. Erin lives in the UK.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    October 1, 2003
    Warriors: Forest of Secrets by Erin Hunter is the third title in the series about warring clans of feral cats. Food is scarce, so tensions escalate between the four clans of the forest, and young Fireheart suspects the loyalty of his own ThunderClan deputy, Tigerclaw.

  • School Library Journal

    October 1, 2003
    Gr 5 Up-As this third book in this series begins, Fireheart, former house pet turned warrior cat, continues to be torn between his allegiance to his Thunderclan and his suspicions that Tigerclaw is planning to take over as its leader. When Fireheart gets proof of his deceit and presents his findings to the clan's wise and compassionate leader, she refuses to believe him. Tensions are already running high between the clans because the cats are getting sick from fish from the polluted rivers, flooding is widespread, and they must invade each other's territory for food. The tragic death of Graystripe's mate as she's giving birth and his betrayal of the clan by loving a cat from an enemy clan bring the simmering tensions to a boil as both groups claim rights to the kits. Other secrets come to light as Tigerclaw, exiled in disgrace, vows revenge and Fireheart becomes the new deputy. This exciting book is not for the faint of heart as it is often violent. It is reminiscent of Greek drama, with its huge cast of characters (a chart of allegiances is included), intrigues, divided loyalties, star-crossed lovers, and parents murdering their offspring. Fans of the series will lap it up while impatiently awaiting the next entry.-Sharon Rawlins, Piscataway Public Library, NJ

    Copyright 2003 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Booklist

    September 15, 2003
    Gr. 6-9. Following " Fire and Ice" [BKL Ag 03], this third book in the Warriors series finds the cat Firepaw still suspicious of Tigerclaw, the deputy to the leader of ThunderClan. For his part, Tigerclaw continues to have it in for Firepaw, and as Firepaw investigates the death of ThunderClan warrior Redtail, a number of secrets are revealed--to the dismay of many clan members. Hunter adds to the mix a devastating flood, shifting alliances between clans, treachery within and without ThunderClan, and attempted murder--a combination that makes for another dynamic episode sure to please series fans.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2003, American Library Association.)

  • The Horn Book

    January 1, 2004
    Feline warrior Fireheart feels burdened by secrets: his lovesick best friend, Graystripe, has fathered kits with a cat from a rival clan; his leader has a secret past; and Fireheart believes the clan's deputy is a traitor. The author deftly balances the major conflicts with descriptions of daily life as a forest-dwelling cat. This third book in the series is as engaging as the first two.

    (Copyright 2004 by The Horn Book, Incorporated, Boston. All rights reserved.)

  • School Library Journal

    "This exciting book is not for the faint of heart. Fans of the series will lap it up while impatiently awaiting the next entry." — School Library Journal

    "Hunter moves forward with a sure hand in the third installment of this fast-moving series. The story is suspenseful; the feline characters are engaging." — Voice of Youth Advocates (VOYA)

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Forest of Secrets
Erin Hunter
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