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Riverstar's Home
Cover of Riverstar's Home
Riverstar's Home
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A thrilling stand-alone adventure in Erin Hunter's #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series!

In this Super Edition, discover the origins of the first leader of RiverClan—a mysterious cat whose desire for peace would help shape the dawn of the warrior Clans.

When a storm-tossed river sweeps Ripple away from the park he's always known, he commits himself to the life of a peaceful loner. Still, as his new island home starts to become a sanctuary for other rogues, he can't help but feel responsible for their safety, and for the community—and Clan—they are beginning to build. But when an old friend from the park resurfaces with terrible news just as the forest cats' fights begin to escalate into bloodshed, the cat now known as Riverstar will have to decide which home he is truly committed to protecting: his new Clan or his old family.

Join the legion of fans who have discovered the epic adventures, fierce warrior cats, and the wild fantasy world of the mega-bestselling Warriors series. This stand-alone entry is perfect for new readers and dedicated fans alike.

A thrilling stand-alone adventure in Erin Hunter's #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series!

In this Super Edition, discover the origins of the first leader of RiverClan—a mysterious cat whose desire for peace would help shape the dawn of the warrior Clans.

When a storm-tossed river sweeps Ripple away from the park he's always known, he commits himself to the life of a peaceful loner. Still, as his new island home starts to become a sanctuary for other rogues, he can't help but feel responsible for their safety, and for the community—and Clan—they are beginning to build. But when an old friend from the park resurfaces with terrible news just as the forest cats' fights begin to escalate into bloodshed, the cat now known as Riverstar will have to decide which home he is truly committed to protecting: his new Clan or his old family.

Join the legion of fans who have discovered the epic adventures, fierce warrior cats, and the wild fantasy world of the mega-bestselling Warriors series. This stand-alone entry is perfect for new readers and dedicated fans alike.

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About the Author-
  • Erin Hunter is inspired by a love of cats and a fascination with the ferocity of the natural world. In addition to having great respect for nature in all its forms, Erin enjoys creating rich mythical explanations for animal behavior. She is the author of the Warriors, Seekers, Survivors, Bravelands, and Bamboo Kingdom series. Erin lives in the UK.

  • Kirkus

    October 1, 2023
    RiverClan's feline leader grows into his job. Taking center stage in events that have been largely chronicled elsewhere from different points of view in the Warriors: Dawn of the Clans sequence, silver tom Ripple, later known as River Ripple and finally Riverstar, is carried downstream from a Twoleg park to a wilder woodland, where he reluctantly becomes head of a burgeoning group of strays while struggling to reconcile his own love of peaceful coexistence with the necessity of fighting for space and hunting rights against bands of aggressively territorial rivals. Even confirmed series fans may need help from online wikis to keep track of the teeming feline cast--other species have neither names nor speech, and are mostly prey quickly dispatched with an oft-mentioned "killing bite." But many notables, like young Thunder and vicious rogues One Eye and Slash from earlier volumes, pad in and out of view as the Clans coalesce under the guidance of the ethereal spirit-cats of StarClan. A decisive battle with Slash, along with the arrival of kittens and a sharp clash with opportunistic SkyClan, all lead to Riverstar's final choice of home between the park and the river at the close of this stand-alone doorstopper. Feeding, feuding, and fan service: sure to please the felines' legion of followers. (cast list, map) (Animal fantasy. 9-12)

    COPYRIGHT(2023) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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Riverstar's Home
Erin Hunter
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