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Cover of Warriors
Exile from ShadowClan

The warrior cats leap off the page in this original full-color adventure—a stand-alone graphic novel set in the wild world of Erin Hunter's #1 bestselling Warriors series.

On the verge of a bitter leaf-bare, ShadowClan stands on the brink of its own destruction.

When battle-obsessed Brokenstar banishes Nightpelt and the rest of ShadowClan's elders to the farthest edges of Clan territory, Nightpelt is shocked at his cruelty. But he's determined to ensure he and his fellow exiles survive the coming frost—and live to reclaim a ShadowClan that takes care of its own.

Set during the events of Warriors: The Prophecies Begin, this action-packed, stand-alone adventure is perfect for longtime Erin Hunter fans and new readers alike.

The bestselling Warriors series in full-color graphic novel form makes an excellent gift. Other Warriors graphic novels include Warriors: Winds of Change and Warriors: A Shadow in RiverClan. Read them all!

The warrior cats leap off the page in this original full-color adventure—a stand-alone graphic novel set in the wild world of Erin Hunter's #1 bestselling Warriors series.

On the verge of a bitter leaf-bare, ShadowClan stands on the brink of its own destruction.

When battle-obsessed Brokenstar banishes Nightpelt and the rest of ShadowClan's elders to the farthest edges of Clan territory, Nightpelt is shocked at his cruelty. But he's determined to ensure he and his fellow exiles survive the coming frost—and live to reclaim a ShadowClan that takes care of its own.

Set during the events of Warriors: The Prophecies Begin, this action-packed, stand-alone adventure is perfect for longtime Erin Hunter fans and new readers alike.

The bestselling Warriors series in full-color graphic novel form makes an excellent gift. Other Warriors graphic novels include Warriors: Winds of Change and Warriors: A Shadow in RiverClan. Read them all!

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About the Author-
  • Erin Hunter is inspired by a love of cats and a fascination with the ferocity of the natural world. In addition to having great respect for nature in all its forms, Erin enjoys creating rich mythical explanations for animal behavior. She is the author of the Warriors, Seekers, Survivors, Bravelands, and Bamboo Kingdom series. Erin lives in the UK.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    January 19, 2009
    This manga—the fifth based on Hunter's immensely popular children's series—follows the adventures of the cat Sasha after she leaves the Tigerclan, horrified by Tigerstar's growing violence; it picks up where Warriors
    : Tigerstar and Sasha
    left off. Sasha wrestles with whether she should return to live among the “housefolk” or make a life for herself in the forest. Her travels take her to dangerous city streets, the suburbs and a boat, and allow her to make new friends. Along the way, she learns to value herself and trust her instincts. Hudson's artwork brings Sasha's emotional journey to life, showing each moment of fear, anxiety, contentment and joy. The cat's-eye perspective of many of the panels, in addition, add a dramatic, energizing element to the book. Jolley's story breaks no new ground, but he offers a nicely paced tale that should resonate with young adult readers struggling to find their own place in the world, as well as cat fanciers of any age. Girls may especially benefit from reading about Sasha's decision to walk away from the powerful Tigerstar. A twist at the end will leave fans eager for the next installment of Sasha's saga.

  • Kirkus

    Starred review from April 1, 2022
    Thoughtful, asthmatic cat Nightpelt is banned--along with most of his elders--from living with the rest of the feral cat tribe Shadowclan--and soon becomes the de facto leader of the exiles. Jolley and Barry have produced another amazing graphic novel. Warriors fans and new readers alike will enjoy following Nightpelt's musings and actions as he helps his group figure out how to survive the upcoming Leaf-bare, or winter, and worries over the behavior of Brokenstar--Shadowclan's new, bullying leader--whom he ultimately has a personal face-off with. In both the text and clean, dramatic, full-color art, the balance between typical cat behavior and the transparently human thoughts, emotions, and even ideologies expressed by the clan cats is exquisitely portrayed. One small example lies in how the storyline integrates the tale of a depressed mother cat, grieving her dead kitten, whose eventual healing is represented by her return to stalking small mammals and contributing their corpses to the community's food supply. More pointed is the reprehensible idea of kittens as child warriors. While experiencing the exciting plot's twists and turns, readers will simultaneously ponder larger questions about violence, power, codes of law, community values, metaphysics, and individuals finding their niches. Despite the deep and serious themes, humor abounds--especially in the frequent wordplay that translates common human expressions into feline terms. The satisfying ending hints of further drama. Starclan willing, this series will continue. (Graphic fantasy. 8-12)

    COPYRIGHT(2022) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

    "Another amazing graphic novel. StarClan willing, this series will continue." — Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

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Exile from ShadowClan
Erin Hunter
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