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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Cover of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
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'Give me Harry Potter,' said Voldemort's voice, 'and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter, and I shall leave the school untouched. Give me Harry Potter, and you will be rewarded.'
As he climbs into the sidecar of Hagrid's motorbike and takes to the skies, leaving Privet Drive for the last time, Harry Potter knows that Lord Voldemort and the Death Eaters are not far behind. The protective charm that has kept Harry safe until now is broken, but he cannot keep hiding. The Dark Lord is breathing fear into everything Harry loves and to stop him Harry will have to find and destroy the remaining Horcruxes. The final battle must begin - Harry must stand and face his enemy...
Having become classics of our time, the Harry Potter eBooks never fail to bring comfort and escapism. With their message of hope, belonging and the enduring power of truth and love, the story of the Boy Who Lived continues to delight generations of new readers.

'Give me Harry Potter,' said Voldemort's voice, 'and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter, and I shall leave the school untouched. Give me Harry Potter, and you will be rewarded.'
As he climbs into the sidecar of Hagrid's motorbike and takes to the skies, leaving Privet Drive for the last time, Harry Potter knows that Lord Voldemort and the Death Eaters are not far behind. The protective charm that has kept Harry safe until now is broken, but he cannot keep hiding. The Dark Lord is breathing fear into everything Harry loves and to stop him Harry will have to find and destroy the remaining Horcruxes. The final battle must begin - Harry must stand and face his enemy...
Having become classics of our time, the Harry Potter eBooks never fail to bring comfort and escapism. With their message of hope, belonging and the enduring power of truth and love, the story of the Boy Who Lived continues to delight generations of new readers.

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  • Nebula Award
    Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America
About the Author-
  • J.K. Rowling is the author of the enduringly popular, era-defining Harry Potter book series, as well as several stand-alone novels and a crime fiction series written under the pen name Robert Galbraith.
    After the idea for Harry Potter came to her on a delayed train journey in 1990, she plotted out and wrote the series of seven books and the first, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, was published in the UK in 1997. Smash hit movie adaptations followed, with the last of the eight films, Deathly Hallows Part 2, released in 2011. The Harry Potter books have now sold over 600 million copies worldwide and been translated into over 80 languages. They continue to be discovered and loved by new generations of readers.
    To accompany the Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling wrote three short volumes for charity: Quidditch Through the Ages and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them in aid of Comic Relief and Lumos; and The Tales of Beedle the Bard in aid of her non-profit children's organisation Lumos.
    One of these companion volumes inspired the Fantastic Beasts film series, begun in 2016, with screenplays written or co-written by Rowling.
    Also in 2016, she collaborated with playwright Jack Thorne and director John Tiffany to continue Harry's story in a stage play, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.
    J.K. Rowling's stand-alone novels include The Casual Vacancy, which was published in 2012. Writing under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith, she is the author of the highly acclaimed 'Strike' series, featuring private detectives Cormoran Strike and Robin Ellacott.
    In 2020 she returned to publishing for younger children with her fairy tale The Ickabog, which was initially serialised for free online for children during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Christmas Pig, an adventure story about a boy's love for his most treasured toy and how far he will go to find it, was published in 2021 and was a bestseller in the UK, USA and Europe.
    As well as receiving an OBE and Companion of Honour for services to children's literature, J. K. Rowling has received many other awards and honours, including France's Legion d'Honneur, Spain's Prince of Asturias Award and Denmark's Hans Christian Andersen Award. In 2020, Jo received a British Book Award, recognising Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone as the most important book of the last thirty years.
    She supports humanitarian causes through her charitable trust, Volant, and is also the founder and president of Lumos, an international children's charity fighting for every child's right to a family by transforming care systems around the world.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    Starred review from July 30, 2007
    It would seem churlish to review the Harry Potter series finale with something less than overwhelming enthusiasm—after all, there’s no one like Rowling. Who else has sustained such an intricate, endlessly inventive plot over seven thick volumes and so constantly surprised her readers with twists, well-laid traps and Purloined Letter
    –style tricks? Hallows
    continues the tradition, both with sly feats of legerdemain and with several altogether new, unexpected elements. And yet the revelations don’t pack as much of a punch; the moments of genuine astonishment or grief that mark every other book in the series go missing here. Perhaps readers know too well the rules of Rowling’s magical universe, a universe she has constructed with extraordinary thoroughness and care.
    As the ending of the previous book suggested, Hallows
    revolves around Harry, Ron and Hermione’s quest for the rest of the Horcruxes into which Voldemort has poured his soul. Without the Hogwarts school year to supply structure, the plot can meander, and Harry himself is tempted to go on an altogether different search. For once some puckered seams trouble the surface of the storytelling—is Harry now using forbidden spells? How many Horcruxes are there?
    It’s hard not to wish that the editors had done their jobs more actively. Hallows
    doesn’t contain the extraneous scenes found in, say, Goblet of Fire,
    but the momentum is uneven. Rowling is better at comedy than at fight scenes, and Hallows
    has less humor and more combat than any of the preceding books. Surely her editors could have helped her build tension with more devices than the use of ellipses and dashes? And craft fight dialogue that sounds a bit less like it belongs in a comic book? True, none of these flaws is fatal to a fan’s enjoyment. But why not have make the bestselling children’s book in history the best it could possibly be?
    One great virtue remains constant: Rowling’s skill at portraying characters. Harry and friends mature, not in straight lines but in realistically messy patterns. Over the course of the seven books, Harry develops from the scrawny misfit of no. 4, Privet Drive, to a teenager who can pull off acts of self-sacrifice and goodness without cheapening his charisma for readers—no mean feat for a writer. And when Rowling concludes her long story, she does so the old-fashioned way, without ambiguity. Harry Potter has finished growing up, and even the most ardent fans will know that it is time to say good-bye. Ages 9-12.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    Starred review from August 13, 2007
    Daletackles Harry's last hurrah with the same undercurrent of excitement and mind-boggling roster of distinct character voices that he brought to his previous six performances. Less of the Hogwarts setting, and a more dangerous quest for Harry and his friends, means that Dale has less jocularity to work with here (something at which he excels), but he does not disappoint in conveying both the heart-rending drama and sense of closure of Rowling's final Potter outing. Late in the recording, when Harry realizes his fate and Rowling's plot twists fly, Dale is at the top of his game, drawing listeners into the orbit of his comforting voice. Throughout, Harry and his friends appropriately sound a bit older than they did in the early volumes, and it's hard to know whether it's imagined or not, but there's a hint of wistfulness in Dale's voice, perhaps because both narrator and listener know it's the last time they'll be together for a new Potter adventure. The CD packaging, which makes extensive use of Mary GrandPré's spot illustrations and cover art on the discs and sleeves, is also a treat for fans. Ages 10-up.

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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
J. K. Rowling
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