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Heal Your Nervous System
Cover of Heal Your Nervous System
Heal Your Nervous System
The 5–Stage Plan to Reverse Nervous System Dysregulation
Relieve anxiety, burnout, feelings of overwhelm, and chronic physical symptoms by healing your dysregulated nervous system with this 5-stage roadmap based on the latest science.

Dr. Linnea Passaler has helped thousands globally in her digital health program address a wide range of symptoms associated with nervous system dysregulation—from mental symptoms, including anxiety, burnout, and brain fog, to physical symptoms, such as digestive issues, chronic inflammation, and fatigue. In Heal Your Nervous System, Dr. Passaler presents her 5-stage plan, developed over the last decade, to equip you with the knowledge to understand and regulate your unique nervous system.

Despite its advances, conventional medicine has often overlooked the importance of nervous system regulation in our health and quality of life. This is especially true for highly sensitive individuals, who may be more susceptible to a dysregulated nervous system. Instead of merely treating the symptoms, Dr. Passaler shows you how to make a profound shift from reactive treatment to proactive healing.

Grounded in recent scientific advances in neurobiology, chronic stress, trauma, and sensitivity, this is not a short-term or one-size-fits-all solution, but a comprehensive strategy to tackle the source of your symptoms, and restore your physical, cognitive, and emotional health.

In Heal Your Nervous System, you will discover:
  • How anxiety, trauma, and chronic stress are not just "in your head," but manifest in all areas of your health
  • How to assess your current level of nervous system dysregulation
  • Why nervous system dysregulation can cause both mental and physical symptoms
  • How your individual sensitivity profile and past experiences came together to tip your nervous system into a state of dysregulation
  • The four most common mistakes people make in their healing journey, and how to avoid them
  • Top essential habits that support your nervous system during your healing journey
  • Simple practices, exercises, and routines that progressively reverse nervous system dysregulation
  • How to organize the most effective practices into the right order, a sequence that supports your healing without getting overwhelmed

  • Your nervous system and health are far more adaptable than you think. With Heal Your Nervous System as your guidebook, you can navigate a fresh path, reverse symptoms, and progressively move towards a robust mind and body.
    Relieve anxiety, burnout, feelings of overwhelm, and chronic physical symptoms by healing your dysregulated nervous system with this 5-stage roadmap based on the latest science.

    Dr. Linnea Passaler has helped thousands globally in her digital health program address a wide range of symptoms associated with nervous system dysregulation—from mental symptoms, including anxiety, burnout, and brain fog, to physical symptoms, such as digestive issues, chronic inflammation, and fatigue. In Heal Your Nervous System, Dr. Passaler presents her 5-stage plan, developed over the last decade, to equip you with the knowledge to understand and regulate your unique nervous system.

    Despite its advances, conventional medicine has often overlooked the importance of nervous system regulation in our health and quality of life. This is especially true for highly sensitive individuals, who may be more susceptible to a dysregulated nervous system. Instead of merely treating the symptoms, Dr. Passaler shows you how to make a profound shift from reactive treatment to proactive healing.

    Grounded in recent scientific advances in neurobiology, chronic stress, trauma, and sensitivity, this is not a short-term or one-size-fits-all solution, but a comprehensive strategy to tackle the source of your symptoms, and restore your physical, cognitive, and emotional health.

    In Heal Your Nervous System, you will discover:
  • How anxiety, trauma, and chronic stress are not just "in your head," but manifest in all areas of your health
  • How to assess your current level of nervous system dysregulation
  • Why nervous system dysregulation can cause both mental and physical symptoms
  • How your individual sensitivity profile and past experiences came together to tip your nervous system into a state of dysregulation
  • The four most common mistakes people make in their healing journey, and how to avoid them
  • Top essential habits that support your nervous system during your healing journey
  • Simple practices, exercises, and routines that progressively reverse nervous system dysregulation
  • How to organize the most effective practices into the right order, a sequence that supports your healing without getting overwhelmed

  • Your nervous system and health are far more adaptable than you think. With Heal Your Nervous System as your guidebook, you can navigate a fresh path, reverse symptoms, and progressively move towards a robust mind and body.
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    About the Author-
    • Dr. Linnea Passaler has dedicated 20+ years to serving patients, first to a small number of individuals as a successful surgeon and then thousands of people all over the world as the CEO of a digital health startup. After overcoming her own struggles with a dysregulated nervous system, she created Heal Your Nervous System (HYNS) to empower others in their healing journey. Her combination of neuroscience and somatic work helps those struggling with overwhelm, trauma, burnout, and anxiety to heal their dysregulated nervous systems and thrive.
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      Fair Winds Press
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    • Copyright Protection (DRM) required by the Publisher may be applied to this title to limit or prohibit printing or copying. File sharing or redistribution is prohibited. Your rights to access this material expire at the end of the lending period. Please see Important Notice about Copyrighted Materials for terms applicable to this content.

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    Heal Your Nervous System
    Heal Your Nervous System
    The 5–Stage Plan to Reverse Nervous System Dysregulation
    Linnea Passaler
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