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Carve the Mark
Cover of Carve the Mark
Carve the Mark
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Globally bestselling Divergent author Veronica Roth delivers a breathtaking fantasy featuring an unusual friendship, an epic love story, and a galaxy-sweeping adventure.

#1 New York Times bestseller * Wall Street Journal bestseller * USA Today bestseller * #1 IndieBound bestseller

Praise for Carve the Mark:

"Roth skillfully weaves the careful world-building and intricate web of characters that distinguished Divergent." —VOYA (starred review)

"Roth offers a richly imagined, often brutal world of political intrigue and adventure, with a slow-burning romance at its core." —ALA Booklist

Cyra Noavek and Akos Kereseth have grown up in enemy countries locked in a long-standing fight for dominance over their shared planet. When Akos and his brother are kidnapped by the ruling Noavek family, Akos is forced to serve Cyra, the sister of a dictator who governs with violence and fear. Cyra is known for her deadly power of transferring extraordinary pain unto others with simple touch, and her tyrant brother uses her as a weapon against those who challenge him. But as Akos fights for his own survival, he recognizes that Cyra is also fighting for hers, and that her true gift—resilience—might be what saves them both.

When Akos and Cyra are caught in the middle of a raging rebellion, everything they've been led to believe about their world and themselves must be called into question. But fighting for what's right might mean betraying their countries, their families, and each other.

When the time comes, will they choose loyalty or love?

And don't miss The Fates Divide, Veronica Roth's powerful follow-up novel!

Globally bestselling Divergent author Veronica Roth delivers a breathtaking fantasy featuring an unusual friendship, an epic love story, and a galaxy-sweeping adventure.

#1 New York Times bestseller * Wall Street Journal bestseller * USA Today bestseller * #1 IndieBound bestseller

Praise for Carve the Mark:

"Roth skillfully weaves the careful world-building and intricate web of characters that distinguished Divergent." —VOYA (starred review)

"Roth offers a richly imagined, often brutal world of political intrigue and adventure, with a slow-burning romance at its core." —ALA Booklist

Cyra Noavek and Akos Kereseth have grown up in enemy countries locked in a long-standing fight for dominance over their shared planet. When Akos and his brother are kidnapped by the ruling Noavek family, Akos is forced to serve Cyra, the sister of a dictator who governs with violence and fear. Cyra is known for her deadly power of transferring extraordinary pain unto others with simple touch, and her tyrant brother uses her as a weapon against those who challenge him. But as Akos fights for his own survival, he recognizes that Cyra is also fighting for hers, and that her true gift—resilience—might be what saves them both.

When Akos and Cyra are caught in the middle of a raging rebellion, everything they've been led to believe about their world and themselves must be called into question. But fighting for what's right might mean betraying their countries, their families, and each other.

When the time comes, will they choose loyalty or love?

And don't miss The Fates Divide, Veronica Roth's powerful follow-up novel!

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About the Author-
  • Veronica Roth is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Divergent, Insurgent, Allegiant, Four: A Divergent Collection, and Carve the Mark. Ms. Roth and her husband live in Chicago. You can visit her online at

  • Publisher's Weekly

    December 5, 2016
    Roth (the Divergent series) returns with a gripping space opera about two individuals who share a planet but come from very different worlds. Cyra belongs to the ruling family of the Shotet, a people wrestling for planetary power against the gentle, prophetic Thuvhesit. Like all people, Cyra has a “currentgift” bestowed by the galactic current that connects all living things, but hers is darker than most: she lives in debilitating pain, eased only when she unleashes it on another—a fearsome spectacle that her cruel, power-hungry brother often forces her to employ. Akos, raised among the Thuvhesit and kidnapped by the Shotet, has a similarly singular currentgift: his touch relieves Cyra of her pain. Forced together, the two become hesitant friends and unlikely allies as the simmering tension between their two nations reaches new heights. Roth’s worldbuilding is commendable; each nation is distinct, interacting with the current in ways that give insight into her characters’ motivations. Amid political machinations and forays into space, Roth thoughtfully addresses substantial issues, such as the power of self-determination in the face of fate. Readers will eagerly await a second installment. Ages 14–up. Agent: Joanna Volpe, New Leaf Literary & Media.

  • Kirkus

    December 15, 2016
    Two teens fight for their freedom and their lives in Roth's new intergalactic adventure. In Roth's galaxy, a "current flow[s] through every living thing, and show[s] itself in the sky in all different colors," and the Shotet people occupy the "nation-planet" Thuvhe. Upon passing into adolescence, everyone develops a "currentgift"--sometimes for better, and sometimes for worse. Cyra Noavek, sister of cruel and tyrannical Shotet ruler Ryzek, regularly experiences extreme pain and is able to transfer that pain to others--much to the advantage of Ryzek, who blackmails her into using her currentgift as a method of torture. Akos Kereseth, the Thuvhesit son of an oracle, can stop the flow of currentgifts--making him one of the only people who can touch Cyra without experiencing pain. Both, too, are fated: Cyra to "cross the Divide" between the Shotet and the Thuvhesit, and Akos to "die in the service of the family Noavek." When Akos and his brother are kidnapped and imprisoned by Ryzek and Cyra, their fates become intimately intertwined. While the book is not without its flaws, fans of the Divergent series--especially its thought-provoking questioning of identity and ethics--will find similarly thoughtful thematic treatment here. The narration is split between the two protagonists. Cyra's first-person voice is compelling, while the third-person narrative that follows Akos feels flat and distant. Mixed-race Cyra has "medium brown, almost golden" skin, while Akos is fair-skinned. Brimming with plot twists and highly likely to please Roth's fans. (Science fiction/fantasy. 14 & up)

    COPYRIGHT(2016) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • School Library Journal

    January 1, 2017

    Gr 9 Up-Lifegiving "current" hums throughout the planets in what Akos knows as "the galaxy." This includes Akos's nation-planet of Thuvhe along with planets Zold, Othyr, Urek, Shotet, and more. Cyra dwells on Shotet, a bitter Thuvhesit enemy. Akos and Cyra each have currentgifts, which manifest at adolescence. His gift can provide relief, while hers causes pain for herself and others. In Roth's military-styled world, battles are settled with currentblades, and victors scar their arms with kill marks, meant both to count the dead and, in some cases, to honor them. The story is told from the perspectives of both Akos and Cyra. Readers follow a third-person view of Akos, who was brought unwillingly to Shotet and harbors deep resentments, while Cyra, always at the edge of pain and ready for battle, narrates in first person. Gradually, Cyra and Akos move from grudging tolerance of each other to respect and then love. Intrigue, poisonings, and an epic battle in the final chapters set the stage for the next book in this planned duology. Roth's dark world mixes classic elements, such as oracles and gladiator-style battles, with futuristic bullies who have a thirst for power. VERDICT The author's name may catch the eye of "Divergent" trilogy fans, but they will find that this book has less romance and more violence. Consider where Marie Lu's "Young Elites" series, Eoin Colfer's "W.A.R.P." books, and Allen Zadoff's "Unknown Assassin" titles are popular.-Maggie Knapp, Trinity Valley School, Fort Worth, TX

    Copyright 2017 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Booklist

    December 15, 2016
    Grades 9-12 In a system of nation-planets, a colorful ribbon of energy, called the Current, weaves around each planetary body, imbuing its residents with a special ability. For Cyra, sister of Ryzek, the sovereign of the warlike Shotet people, that gift leaves her constantly wracked with pain, which she can inflict on others with just a touch. Akos, from Thuvhe, the sworn enemies of the Shotet, however, can negate the effects of the Current with his gift. When tyrannical Ryzek kidnaps Akos and his brother, he orders Akos to serve Cyra, using his gift to alleviate her pain. But Cyra is horrified by Ryzek's violent thirst for control, and Akos is desperate to save his brotherdespite their allegiances, they find more solidarity than enmity. Roth offers a richly imagined, often-brutal world of political intrigue and adventure, with a slow-burning romance at its core. Though the pace sometimes drags, the fascinating, fantasy-sf-hybrid world building is deftly deployed and adds considerable depth. Inevitably, it ends on a tantalizing cliff-hanger, but Roth's fans will be happily on board for the forthcoming sequel. HIGH-DEMAND BACKSTORY: This is Roth's first endeavor since the insanely popular Divergent series. Need we say more?(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2016, American Library Association.)

  • The Horn Book

    July 1, 2017
    Though Akos and Cyra come from opposite sides of a planet-wide civil tension, both are among the few, privileged "fated" who possess definite futures and unique talents. Others seek to use their "currentgifts" for their own means, leading to Akos's kidnapping and Cyra's exploitation as a living weapon. Strong characters and engrossing new worlds combine for superb science-fiction storytelling.

    (Copyright 2017 by The Horn Book, Incorporated, Boston. All rights reserved.)

  • Voice of Youth Advocates (VOYA) (starred review)

    ★ "Roth skillfully weaves the careful world-building and intricate web of characters that distinguished Divergent, with settings that are rich with color, ripe for a cinematographer. Roth fans will cheer this new novel with its power to absorb the reader. Readers will be anxiously awaiting the sequel." — Voice of Youth Advocates (VOYA) (starred review)

    "Brimming with plot twists and highly likely to please Roth's fans." — Kirkus Reviews

    "This duology offers shades of George Lucas sprawl and influence, Game of Thrones clan intrigue, and a little Romeo & Juliet-style romance. There are cliffhangers aplenty and dangling plot lines to lure us to the next book." — USA Today

    "Roth fans will rejoice at this new outing that focuses on themes familiar from her Divergent series: identity, individual versus social responsibilities, and ethical quandaries." — Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books

    "Roth offers a richly imagined, often-brutal world of political intrigue and adventure, with a slow-burning romance at its core. Roth's fans will be happily on board for the forthcoming sequel." — Booklist

    "The Divergent author builds out this new world—one reminiscent of Star Wars, with its discussions of 'the current' and 'currentgifts'—while still presenting the stark brutality of the circumstances both protagonists find themselves in." — Entertainment Weekly

    "With her talent for action-packed plots and powerful characters, Roth's latest is sure to be much talked-about all of 2017." — Brightly

    "Roth's worldbuilding is commendable; each nation is distinct, interacting with the current in ways that give insight into her characters' motivations. Readers will eagerly await a second installment." — Publishers Weekly

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Carve the Mark
Carve the Mark
Veronica Roth
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