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Cover of Worthy
How to Believe You Are Enough and Transform Your Life
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What has self-doubt already cost you in your life? WORTHY is how you change that.

Imagine what you’d do, if you FULLY believed in YOU! When you stop doubting your greatness, build unshakable self-worth and embrace who you are, you transform your entire life! WORTHY teaches you how, with simple steps that lead to life-changing results!
In life, you don’t soar to the level of your hopes and dreams, you stay stuck at the level of your self-worth. In your business, leadership, relationships, friendships and ambitions, you don’t rise to what you believe is possible, you fall to what you believe you’re worthy of. When you build your self-worth, you change your entire life. WORTHY teaches you how. I wrote WORTHY for YOU if you have some self-doubt to destroy and a destiny to fulfill!– Jamie Kern Lima
Author Jamie Kern Lima’s first, instant New York Times bestselling book, Believe It, captured her journey of going from Denny’s waitress to billion-dollar entrepreneur by learning to believe in herself. And now her second, much anticipated, upcoming book WORTHY is the playbook for how YOU can believe in YOU!
If you’ve ever struggled with self-doubt, felt like you don’t have what it takes…or that who you truly are isn’t enough, even if you’re really good at hiding it from the world, WORTHY is for you. If you’ve been underestimating your talent and gifts, or battle imposter syndrome, WORTHY is for you. If you’ve been letting fear of failure and rejection hold you back, WORTHY is for you. If you’ve learned to please others so much that you end up betraying yourself, WORTHY is for you. If you’re sick and tired of what self-doubt has already cost you in your life, in your goals, in your relationships, and in your hopes and dreams, WORTHY is for you! If you’re ready to expand your self-love, ignite your self-confidence and wake up your self-worth, WORTHY is for you!!
When you change what you believe you’re worthy of, you change your entire life.
This book is about how to do that.
· Get Unstuck from the Things Holding You Back
· Build Unshakable Self-Love
· Unlearn the Lies the Lead to Self-Doubt
· Embrace The Truths That Wake Up Worthiness
· Stop Dimming Your Light and Doubting Your Greatness
· Let Go of Past Mistakes and Restore Self-Confidence
· Overcome Limiting Beliefs and Embody Empowering Ones
· Eliminate Your Fear of Rejection and Failure
· Learn to Believe You’re Enough Exactly as You Are
· Transform the Meaning You Give to Your Own Story and Identity
· Follow the Roadmap for Achieving True Fulfillment in Life
· Achieve Your Hopes and Dreams by Believing You Are Worthy of Them
· Embrace Who You Truly Are
And much more...
Are you ready to unleash your greatness and believe in the power that is YOU? Are you ready to finally stop believing the lies that you’re unlovable, unqualified or not (fill in the blank) enough? Are you ready to triumph over the thoughts holding you back, destroy self-doubt and truly know and believe you have what it takes to accomplish your greatest goals and wildest dreams?
Imagine... what would you do if you had zero self-doubt and...

What has self-doubt already cost you in your life? WORTHY is how you change that.

Imagine what you’d do, if you FULLY believed in YOU! When you stop doubting your greatness, build unshakable self-worth and embrace who you are, you transform your entire life! WORTHY teaches you how, with simple steps that lead to life-changing results!
In life, you don’t soar to the level of your hopes and dreams, you stay stuck at the level of your self-worth. In your business, leadership, relationships, friendships and ambitions, you don’t rise to what you believe is possible, you fall to what you believe you’re worthy of. When you build your self-worth, you change your entire life. WORTHY teaches you how. I wrote WORTHY for YOU if you have some self-doubt to destroy and a destiny to fulfill!– Jamie Kern Lima
Author Jamie Kern Lima’s first, instant New York Times bestselling book, Believe It, captured her journey of going from Denny’s waitress to billion-dollar entrepreneur by learning to believe in herself. And now her second, much anticipated, upcoming book WORTHY is the playbook for how YOU can believe in YOU!
If you’ve ever struggled with self-doubt, felt like you don’t have what it takes…or that who you truly are isn’t enough, even if you’re really good at hiding it from the world, WORTHY is for you. If you’ve been underestimating your talent and gifts, or battle imposter syndrome, WORTHY is for you. If you’ve been letting fear of failure and rejection hold you back, WORTHY is for you. If you’ve learned to please others so much that you end up betraying yourself, WORTHY is for you. If you’re sick and tired of what self-doubt has already cost you in your life, in your goals, in your relationships, and in your hopes and dreams, WORTHY is for you! If you’re ready to expand your self-love, ignite your self-confidence and wake up your self-worth, WORTHY is for you!!
When you change what you believe you’re worthy of, you change your entire life.
This book is about how to do that.
· Get Unstuck from the Things Holding You Back
· Build Unshakable Self-Love
· Unlearn the Lies the Lead to Self-Doubt
· Embrace The Truths That Wake Up Worthiness
· Stop Dimming Your Light and Doubting Your Greatness
· Let Go of Past Mistakes and Restore Self-Confidence
· Overcome Limiting Beliefs and Embody Empowering Ones
· Eliminate Your Fear of Rejection and Failure
· Learn to Believe You’re Enough Exactly as You Are
· Transform the Meaning You Give to Your Own Story and Identity
· Follow the Roadmap for Achieving True Fulfillment in Life
· Achieve Your Hopes and Dreams by Believing You Are Worthy of Them
· Embrace Who You Truly Are
And much more...
Are you ready to unleash your greatness and believe in the power that is YOU? Are you ready to finally stop believing the lies that you’re unlovable, unqualified or not (fill in the blank) enough? Are you ready to triumph over the thoughts holding you back, destroy self-doubt and truly know and believe you have what it takes to accomplish your greatest goals and wildest dreams?
Imagine... what would you do if you had zero self-doubt and...
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About the Author-
  • Jamie Kern Lima is a New York Times bestselling author of Believe IT, guest teacher of the Life You Want class live with Oprah Winfrey, and Founder of IT Cosmetics, a company she started in her living room and grew to the largest luxury makeup brand in the country. She sold the company to L’Oréal in a billion-dollar deal and became the first female CEO of a brand in its 100+ year history. Her love of her customers and remarkable authenticity and belief eventually landed her on the Forbes America's Richest Self-Made Women list. She’s been a Denny’s waitress, a struggling entrepreneur, lived a life-long journey of rejections, and has battled her way through years of self-doubt, body-doubt and God-doubt. She was given away at birth and adopted and has been on a journey of learning to believe she’s here with purpose, on purpose and for a purpose and is worthy, lovable and enough. She's the author of the new book WORTHY: How to Believe You Are and Transform Your Life. She's a mother of two and an active investor, speaker, and thought leader who is passionate about inspiring and elevating women. She's also an active philanthropist who has funded leadership training in more than 100 prisons and shelters across the United States, and has donated over $40 million in product and funds to help women face the effects of cancer with confidence. She’s donating 100% of her author proceeds for both WORTHY and Believe IT. Order WORTHY now to get bonuses including an invite to join Jamie’s VIP Insider Book Launch team and
  • Publisher's Weekly

    April 8, 2024
    In the rousing follow-up to Believe IT, IT Cosmetics founder Lima helps women harness their self-worth to lead more personally and professionally fulfilling lives. After launching her makeup company in 2008, the author saw how the belief that she was “worthy of love and belonging” helped her transform a startup based in her living room into a thriving company she sold to L’Oréal for $1.2 billion in 2016. Sharing lessons gleaned along the way, Lima outlines how to reframe rejection in empowering ways (for example, by reminding oneself that noes are “God’s... protection” from those who aren’t “assigned to my destiny”). She also encourages readers to dismantle beliefs that friends and family “won’t love us if we reveal who we truly are,” and realize that labels—whether bestowed by others or self-applied—are not verdicts on one’s identity. Anchored by vivid recollections of her professional triumphs—including how she pushed back against producers’ warnings not to show women with skin issues on a home shopping channel advertising segment (she did, and IT Cosmetics became the most popular brand in the channel’s history)—Lima’s case for discounting untrustworthy external voices and relying on “inner knowing” is uplifting, even if the religious overtones sometimes feel out-of-place. This inspires.

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    Hay House
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How to Believe You Are Enough and Transform Your Life
Jamie Kern Lima
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