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Cavecat Pete
Cover of Cavecat Pete
Cavecat Pete

Meet Cavecat Pete in New York Times bestselling artist James Dean's prehistoric Pete the Cat adventure!

Pete lives happily among the dinosaurs. He's friends with everyone. But when Pete organizes a picnic with all his friends and some herbivores and carnivores can't seem to get along, it's up to Cavecat Pete to show them that they can all have fun together. Fans of Pete the Cat will enjoy going back in time with Pete.

Meet Cavecat Pete in New York Times bestselling artist James Dean's prehistoric Pete the Cat adventure!

Pete lives happily among the dinosaurs. He's friends with everyone. But when Pete organizes a picnic with all his friends and some herbivores and carnivores can't seem to get along, it's up to Cavecat Pete to show them that they can all have fun together. Fans of Pete the Cat will enjoy going back in time with Pete.

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About the Author-
  • James Dean is the #1 New York Times bestselling creator and illustrator of Pete the Cat. He is a self-taught artist originally from Fort Payne, Alabama. He published his first book, The Misadventures of Pete the Cat, a history of his artwork, in 2006, and he illustrated his first children's book, Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes, in 2008. There are now dozens of published Pete the Cat titles, all inspired by James's real-life rescue pet.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    June 27, 2011
    In his previous outing, blue cat Pete proved his ability to roll with the punches when his white sneakers were accidentally stained red. Sporting the red treads for the first day of school (they match his electric guitar), Pete is again unflappable. "Pete has never been to the library before! Does Pete worry? Goodness, no! He finds his favorite book and sings his song." School setting aside, little differentiates this book from its predecessor. There's humor to be found in the deadpan expressions of Pete and his fellow cats as he sits with friends in the lunchroom, plays at recess, and solves math problems on the board. But whether the simple refrain and Pete's blasé attitude actually assuage anxious schoolgoers is another story. Pete's song is available as a download. Ages 3–7.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    October 14, 2013
    Appropriately enough, Pete’s latest includes some valentines for readers: a large foldout poster, a sheet of stickers, and 12 punch-out cards. In the accompanying story, Pete starts out as a skeptic: “Valentine’s Day is not cool,” he tells his friend Callie. She responds that it’s her favorite holiday, and Pete needs no more convincing than that—as soon as he gets home, he starts making homemade cards. By book’s end, Pete has distributed valentines throughout his community; he forgets about Callie, but she’s understanding: “Hanging out with you... that’s way better than any card.” Just like Pete skateboards his way through town, he slides through these minor Valentine’s Day dramas effortlessly. Ages 4–8.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    February 17, 2014
    Pete the cat’s yellow, dead-eyed stare is always good for a laugh, and it’s even better when he’s wearing big white bunny ears, a buck-toothed rabbit snout, and a puffy white tail. It’s all in a day’s work for Pete after he agrees to lend the Easter Bunny a hand (“Find the eggs. Paint the eggs. Hide the eggs,” reads the note Pete discovers in his otherwise empty Easter basket). The story itself is quite thin—after painting the eggs, Pete quickly hides them and receives a “#1 Helper” ribbon from the Easter Bunny himself for his efforts (“Helping others can be lots of fun!” reads the tacked-on closing message). Readers are more likely to be drawn in by all the extras tucked into the pages, which include stickers, a foldout poster, and a dozen perforated Easter cards that can be removed and given away. Ages 4–8.

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Cavecat Pete
Cavecat Pete
James Dean
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