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Unlikely Friendships
Cover of Unlikely Friendships
Unlikely Friendships
47 Remarkable Stories from the Animal Kingdom
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It is exactly like Isaiah 11:6: “The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid . . . ” Written by National Geographic magazine writer Jennifer Holland, Unlikely Friendships documents one heartwarming tale after another of animals who, with nothing else in common, bond in the most unexpected ways. A cat and a bird. A mare and a fawn. An elephant and a sheep. A snake and a hamster. The well-documented stories of Koko the gorilla and All Ball the kitten; and the hippo Owen and the tortoise Mzee. And almost inexplicable stories of predators befriending prey—an Indian leopard slips into a village every night to sleep with a calf. A lionness mothers a baby oryx. Ms. Holland narrates the details and arc of each story, and also offers insights into why—how the young leopard, probably motherless, sought maternal comfort with the calf, and how a baby oryx inspired the same mothering instinct in the lionness. Or, in the story of Kizzy, a nervous retired Greyhound, and Murphy, a red tabby, how cats and dogs actually understand each other’s body language. With Murphy’s friendship and support, Kizzy recovered from life as a racing dog and became a confident, loyal family pet.
These are the most amazing friendships between species, collected from around the world and documented in a selection of full-color candid photographs.
It is exactly like Isaiah 11:6: “The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid . . . ” Written by National Geographic magazine writer Jennifer Holland, Unlikely Friendships documents one heartwarming tale after another of animals who, with nothing else in common, bond in the most unexpected ways. A cat and a bird. A mare and a fawn. An elephant and a sheep. A snake and a hamster. The well-documented stories of Koko the gorilla and All Ball the kitten; and the hippo Owen and the tortoise Mzee. And almost inexplicable stories of predators befriending prey—an Indian leopard slips into a village every night to sleep with a calf. A lionness mothers a baby oryx. Ms. Holland narrates the details and arc of each story, and also offers insights into why—how the young leopard, probably motherless, sought maternal comfort with the calf, and how a baby oryx inspired the same mothering instinct in the lionness. Or, in the story of Kizzy, a nervous retired Greyhound, and Murphy, a red tabby, how cats and dogs actually understand each other’s body language. With Murphy’s friendship and support, Kizzy recovered from life as a racing dog and became a confident, loyal family pet.
These are the most amazing friendships between species, collected from around the world and documented in a selection of full-color candid photographs.
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About the Author-
  • Jennifer S. Holland is a contributing writer for National Geographic. She has also written for, among others, The Discovery Channel, NPR, and The Washington Post, specializing in science and natural history.

  • Booklist

    Starred review from August 1, 2011
    It is an image that went viral on the internet, an image that tugs at even the hardest heart: a tiny monkey, worry in its eyes, lays its head on the back of a white dove. National Geographic senior science writer Holland here collects 47 stories of unusual cross-species relationships accompanied by wonderful photos documenting the unquestionably positive nature of the interactions. As she points out in the introduction, evolutionary continuity means that the differences between animals and humans are differences in degree, not in kind, so why wouldn't animals of different species make friendships? She shares the stories of the mare that protected a newborn fawn from coyotes and the papillon spaniel that pulled an orphaned squirrel from its crate and raised it with her puppies. Predator befriends prey when a young leopard took to visiting a tethered Brahma cow at night, rubbing against her as she licked it. A golden retriever visits his koi every day as the fish nibbles the dog's paws, and the two touch noses. Koko, the famous signing gorilla, mothers her kitten, and Owen the orphaned hippopotamus befriends Mzee, the giant tortoise. Empathy and friendship are not strictly human emotions.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2011, American Library Association.)

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Unlikely Friendships
Unlikely Friendships
47 Remarkable Stories from the Animal Kingdom
Jennifer S. Holland
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