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The In-Between
Cover of The In-Between
The In-Between
Unforgettable Encounters During Life's Final Moments
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NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Passionate advocate for end-of-life care and TikTok star Hadley Vlahos shares moving stories of joy, wisdom, and redemption from her patients’ final moments in this “brilliant” (Zibby Owens, Good Morning America) memoir.
“This extraordinary book helps dispel fear around death and dying—revealing it to be a natural part of our soul’s evolution.”—Laura Lynne Jackson, New York Times bestselling author of Signs and The Light Between Us
Talking about death and dying is considered taboo in polite company, and even in the medical field. Our ideas about dying are confusing at best: Will our memories flash before our eyes? Regrets consume our thoughts? Does a bright light appear at the end of a tunnel? For most people, it will be a slower process, one eased with preparedness, good humor, and a bit of faith. At the forefront of changing attitudes around palliative care is hospice nurse Hadley Vlahos, who shows that end-of-life care can teach us just as much about how to live as it does about how we die.
Vlahos was raised in a strict religious household, but began questioning her beliefs in high school after the sudden death of a friend. When she got pregnant at nineteen, she was shunned by her community and enrolled herself in nursing school to be able to support herself and her baby. But nursing soon became more than a job: when she focused on palliative care and hospice work, it became a calling. 
In The In-Between, Vlahos recounts the most impactful experiences she’s had with the people she’s worked with—from the woman who never once questioned her faith until she was close to death, to the older man seeing visions of his late daughter, to the young patient who laments that she spent too much of her short life worrying about what others thought of her—while also sharing her own fascinating journey.
Written with profound insight, humility, and respect, The In-Between is a heartrending memoir that shows how caring for others can transform a life while also offering wisdom and comfort for those dealing with loss and providing inspiration for how to live now.
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Passionate advocate for end-of-life care and TikTok star Hadley Vlahos shares moving stories of joy, wisdom, and redemption from her patients’ final moments in this “brilliant” (Zibby Owens, Good Morning America) memoir.
“This extraordinary book helps dispel fear around death and dying—revealing it to be a natural part of our soul’s evolution.”—Laura Lynne Jackson, New York Times bestselling author of Signs and The Light Between Us
Talking about death and dying is considered taboo in polite company, and even in the medical field. Our ideas about dying are confusing at best: Will our memories flash before our eyes? Regrets consume our thoughts? Does a bright light appear at the end of a tunnel? For most people, it will be a slower process, one eased with preparedness, good humor, and a bit of faith. At the forefront of changing attitudes around palliative care is hospice nurse Hadley Vlahos, who shows that end-of-life care can teach us just as much about how to live as it does about how we die.
Vlahos was raised in a strict religious household, but began questioning her beliefs in high school after the sudden death of a friend. When she got pregnant at nineteen, she was shunned by her community and enrolled herself in nursing school to be able to support herself and her baby. But nursing soon became more than a job: when she focused on palliative care and hospice work, it became a calling. 
In The In-Between, Vlahos recounts the most impactful experiences she’s had with the people she’s worked with—from the woman who never once questioned her faith until she was close to death, to the older man seeing visions of his late daughter, to the young patient who laments that she spent too much of her short life worrying about what others thought of her—while also sharing her own fascinating journey.
Written with profound insight, humility, and respect, The In-Between is a heartrending memoir that shows how caring for others can transform a life while also offering wisdom and comfort for those dealing with loss and providing inspiration for how to live now.
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  • From the cover Chapter One


    My hair was still wet from the shower as I stood in front of the television absentmindedly watching the news with my best nurse ever mug in hand. I was sipping my coffee when I felt a tug on my scrubs. Looking down, I saw Brody’s big blue eyes peering up at me.

    “Juice, please?” he said, shaking his empty sippy cup in his still-chubby three-year-old hands. I smiled and picked him up, placing him on my hip as I walked over to the kitchen. After giving him his juice, I tapped my phone to check the time. I needed to leave by 7:20 a.m. to make it to the office by 8:00. It was 6:40 now, which meant I had just enough time to finish getting both of us ready and fed.

    My phone rang as I opened the refrigerator to grab some eggs. I looked down to see my manager Kristin’s name flash across the screen. She never called this early. I wondered what was wrong.

    “Hello,” I answered nervously.

    “Hey, you!” she greeted me, sounding like she’d had way more coffee than me. “I need you to come with me to a patient’s home. Check your email for the address. I’m about ten minutes away.”

    I quickly looked up the address, panicking when I realized that it was in a very nice part of town, just minutes from the beautiful white sandy beaches that Destin, Florida, is known for. Although I’d spent the latter part of my childhood in Destin, I now lived in the next town over, aptly named Niceville, in a little blue house that I had bought for Brody and me earlier that year. As a young single mom, I couldn’t afford anything bigger or closer to the beach, but I was so proud of this home that I’d managed to buy for us a few months into my first nursing job.

    “I’m at least thirty minutes away and need to drop off my son at daycare. Is that okay?” I asked cautiously, worried the delay would annoy her.

    “No problem!” Kristin replied cheerfully before hanging up the phone.

    Anxiety set in as I realized I needed to move quickly. I put the eggs back in the fridge, deciding to forgo breakfast altogether, twisted my wet hair into a low bun, and threw on my scrub top. After making sure Brody was dressed in the appropriate number of layers (because, yes, northern Florida does have a winter!), I stepped out into the crisp, cold air and headed to his daycare.

    Brody’s teacher barely looked up from her phone as I dropped him off at his classroom. “So sorry to bother you,” I said, approaching her timidly, “but I didn’t have a chance to feed Brody this morning. Can you make sure he gets breakfast?”

    Without saying a word in response, the teacher rolled her eyes and let the kitchen know there would be one more kid than usual eating breakfast. I felt the familiar no-win pull between work life and mom life tug at my heart. One of the practical elements that appealed to me about hospice nursing is that it was generally an eight-to-five job, which meant predictability for my schedule with Brody, but not every day was like that, and apparently today was one of those days. It wasn’t even 7:00 a.m. yet, and I already felt like a failure in the mom category, but I couldn’t afford to lose my job. I was a few weeks into my new position as a hospice nurse, and in the process of training, which meant that I spent my days shadowing more senior nurses like Kristin as they visited patients. Keeping my manager happy had to come first.

    I drove to the patient’s home, passing many beautiful beach houses just like the one I had grown up in. I...
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The In-Between
The In-Between
Unforgettable Encounters During Life's Final Moments
Hadley Vlahos, R.N.
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