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Working Hard, Hardly Working
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Working Hard, Hardly Working
How to achieve more, stress less and feel fulfilled: THE #1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER
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The Times
'Offers a fresh take on how to create your own balance, be more productive and feel fulfilled in the high-pressure social media age.' Cosmopolitan, 12 BEST NEW BOOKS TO READ
'Serves some serious inspiration for the business-minded.' Bustle, TOP DEBUT BOOKS OF 2021
'Pinpoints and unpacks the confusing and impossible messages we are all fed about modern work, how we are supposedly meant to be "nailing" all areas of our life all at once.' Emma Gannon
We all know the pressure of feeling like we should be grinding 24/7 while simultaneously being told that we should 'just relax' and take care of ourselves, like we somehow have to decide between success and sanity. But in today's complex working world, where every hobby can be a hustle and social media is the lens through which we view ourselves and others, this seemingly impossible choice couldn't be further from our reality.
In Working Hard, Hardly Working, entrepreneur and self-proclaimed 'lazy workaholic' Grace Beverley challenges this unrealistic and unnecessary split, and offers a fresh take on how to create your own balance, be more productive and feel fulfilled.
Create your own Productivity Method: Work smart and do more of what you love
Make your routine work for you: Optimise your habits and reap the benefits
Understand your value: Get into your flow and enjoy your everyday
Engage in effective self-care: How stepping back can help you move forwards


The Times
'Offers a fresh take on how to create your own balance, be more productive and feel fulfilled in the high-pressure social media age.' Cosmopolitan, 12 BEST NEW BOOKS TO READ
'Serves some serious inspiration for the business-minded.' Bustle, TOP DEBUT BOOKS OF 2021
'Pinpoints and unpacks the confusing and impossible messages we are all fed about modern work, how we are supposedly meant to be "nailing" all areas of our life all at once.' Emma Gannon
We all know the pressure of feeling like we should be grinding 24/7 while simultaneously being told that we should 'just relax' and take care of ourselves, like we somehow have to decide between success and sanity. But in today's complex working world, where every hobby can be a hustle and social media is the lens through which we view ourselves and others, this seemingly impossible choice couldn't be further from our reality.
In Working Hard, Hardly Working, entrepreneur and self-proclaimed 'lazy workaholic' Grace Beverley challenges this unrealistic and unnecessary split, and offers a fresh take on how to create your own balance, be more productive and feel fulfilled.
Create your own Productivity Method: Work smart and do more of what you love
Make your routine work for you: Optimise your habits and reap the benefits
Understand your value: Get into your flow and enjoy your everyday
Engage in effective self-care: How stepping back can help you move forwards

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About the Author-
  • London's Young Entrepreneur of the Year (NatWest GBEA) and founder of sustainable style brand TALA and fitness tech brand Shreddy, Grace Beverley is a successful female entrepreneur shaking up the business world, with a global digital reach of over 1.5 million. By the age of just twenty-three, Grace had been named first in Forbes' 30-under-30 retail and e-commerce list, graduated from Oxford University, and attained a Sustainable Business accreditation from Harvard Business School. Grace's inspiring drive to accelerate the slow-fashion space and provide the blueprint for aspiring entrepreneurs has led to features in Drapers, Forbes, CEO Today, VOGUE Business and Business Insider.
  • Cosmopolitan Offers a fresh take on how to create your own balance, be more productive and feel fulfilled in the high-pressure social media age.
  • EMMA GANNON, author of The Multi-Hyphen Method Pinpoints and unpacks the confusing and impossible messages we are all fed about modern work, how we are supposedly meant to be "nailing" all areas of our life all at once. I'm a big advocate of defining success for yourself, which is exactly what this book helps readers do.
  • Anna Codrea-Rado, author & co-host of Is This Working? Essential reading for anyone who takes their working life seriously.
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    Random House
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  • Copyright Protection (DRM) required by the Publisher may be applied to this title to limit or prohibit printing or copying. File sharing or redistribution is prohibited. Your rights to access this material expire at the end of the lending period. Please see Important Notice about Copyrighted Materials for terms applicable to this content.

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Working Hard, Hardly Working
Working Hard, Hardly Working
How to achieve more, stress less and feel fulfilled: THE #1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER
Grace Beverley
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